1010773 tn?1272011003

Fungal Infection

Dear Madam / Sir,

I need clarifications about the follwing questions

1) Is there any substitute for bathing soap. As my body is not oily, soap reduces my moisture.
2) I'm getting fungal infection every time. Could you please provide an advise for take prevention.
2 Responses
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1010773 tn?1272011003
My skin is dry skin and frequently I have skin deceases. Major issue is fungal infection near my lips & legs. Is there any permanent solution on good tablets to solve this issue.
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351246 tn?1379682132
Welcome to the forum!
There are many mild and oil based soaps available in the market that would not deplete your skin of moisture. Alternatively you can apply a moisturizer after your bath. Many types of shower gels too are available.
If you are having repeated fungal infection then there is a possibility that you have diabetes. Also it could be due to improper treatment. Please consult a skin specialist who will be able to help you with both your problems. It is difficult to comment beyond this without examining.
Hope this helps. Please let me know if there is any thing else and do keep me posted. Take care!

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