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Gluten Intolerance ? Not sure

Hello I'm a healthy 26yo caucasian M, 6'3, 210lbs
PMH: Gilbert's Syndrome (Slightly elevated Billirubin)

I have been having Left Upper Quadrant pain for about 8months now which varies in intensity. I recently broke out in a mirrored rash on both flanks that almost had a "shingles" appearance or "chicken pox" look to it and its not either. I rarely break out on my back and this was peculiar, It doesnt really itch (very seldom), and its painful to rub with a towel etc. Also I started loosing my hair and noticed flaky patches near my hairline(which may be attributed to the procepia I'm using). Nevertheless, I am also extremely fatigue throughout the day and my doctor thinks i have GAD or Depression. I have been under a great deal of stress these past 3 years which doesn't help. My question is how likely is it that I am sensitive to gluten?

Thank you for our time!
3 Responses
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

Gluten sensitivity symptoms can include digestive and neurological complaints. Research shows that gluten intolerance in some form affects approximately 15% of the US population. Symptoms of gluten sensitivity include bloating, abdominal discomfort or pain,constipation and diarrhea. So, its unlikely that the rash is due to gluten sensitivity.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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Thank you for the response, I'm curious if gluten sensitivity can occur in the absence of any GI problems?

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You might want to get checked for hypothyroidism.  But don't rely on a standard TSH blood test, as they are not always accurate.  I was diagnosed after severe fatigue, hairloss, aches and pains, dry skin, anxiety.  There are many many many symptoms, including rashes.  Not all doctors are really good at diagnosing it.  You need a full thyroid workup beyond a TSH test, and a doctor that goes also by your symptoms. Go to the website, http://www.*************************/ and see if this fits you.  Its hard to find a good thyroid doctor.  If this ends up being your issue, dont take T4 only medication.  Take T3 and T4. Most people need T3.  Your fatigue will improve.  
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