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Gold therapy

Everyone plz maka a comment for me.
I'm very intrest in gold therapy
and I wanna know about advance in gold therapy
I've some evidence that gold salt have been active on some autoimmune disease. esp: SLE
thus I wanna maka a research in that field
so please mak a commet on my topic

thz all fri
4 Responses
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681148 tn?1437661591
Many alternative treatments are very good, and even better than so-called conventional Western medicine.  But, any time your instincts tell you that something is questionable or makes you feel this uncomfortable with the idea, trust your instincts and steer clear.  I understand the need to treat an autoimmune disease, as I have a whole host of auto-immune diseases.  I don't know what SLE stands for, but I know what it's like to struggle to get through each day.  Whenever I go out in public, it's like going through a minefield for me, as I have Mulitple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS).  There are many activities that I can no longer be involved with because of this illness.  Going to the movie theater is out of the question, for example.  I'm still looking for natural therapies that will help me with my problems, too, but after reading what Nancy2351 wrote about this gold therapy, I wouldn't do it.  I have read too many questionable things about colloidal silver, which is supposed to help with some things, too.  It's not something I'm willing to try.  There are much safer natural therapies out there for these various ailments that don't put your health at such great risk.
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What's a gold shot? Do they actually inject gold into your system? I'm confused..
What culture/area is this from? Is this connected to religion? Or is it just alternative therapy, like acupuncture and herbal medicine? Not that I have anything against alternative medicine. But this in particular seems questionable. Though I don't know much about it, so I really can't say.

My aunt is a rheumatologist and treats autoimmune diseases and variations of arthritis all the time. But I have never heard of this as a form of treatment. Had you exhausted all other forms? I'm just wondering why this..an unregulated, experimental treatment?

I'm sorry about your father. I hope you find some information about this. You should pursue this topic since you have such a connection to it in your life and you could do good things with your discoveries. Keep me posted.
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We still blame my father's death on gold shots that he received for his arthritis.  His kidneys were affected, as was his cardio-vascular system.  Our theory is that he was given too many gold shots and that they caused the damage to his system.  After multiple by-passes to his heart and being on dialysis, he died of a massive heart attack.  Although I have no medical background, I'd NEVER take a gold shot!
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I've never heard of "gold therapy" --- what is it ?
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