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sinus headaches

Hi,  my ten yeor old son  has suffered from migraine type headaches that the doctors have told me are sinus induced. An MRI several years ago showed a severe sinus infection that he had to take antibiotics for 30 days. He gets these 2-3 times a week sometimes. Could removing his tonsils improve his headaches?   Is there a connection? He's only had strep once in his life. If anyone could help me, i'd appreciate it!
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563773 tn?1374246539
Sinus headaches are caused by sinus congestion and inflammation (called sinusitis). The sinuses are air-filled spaces lined with mucous membranes surrounding the forehead, cheeks and eyes. Healthy sinuses allow mucus to drain and air to circulate throughout the nasal passages. When sinuses become inflamed, these areas get blocked and mucus cannot drain.

Diagnosis can be made by examination, transillumination, xrays, a CT scan, or an MRI.

The best way to avoid or get rid of a sinus headache is to treat the underlying sinus inflammation and, if present, clear any infection by using antibiotics. Treating the inflammation involves anything from using a humidifier to taking medicines to surgically drain of the mucous in the sinuses.

It is very difficult to precisely confirm a diagnosis without examination and investigations and the answer is based on the medical information provided. For exact diagnosis, you are requested to consult your dermatologist. Treatment can be started only when the diagnosis is confirmed. I sincerely hope that helps. Take care and please do keep me posted on how you are doing.

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The CAUSE of his sinus infections needs to be diagnosed and treated.  

Has he been evaluated for allergies and/or GERD?  Those are two likely suspects.  Treating and controlling those could greatly reduce his incidence of infection.  

Did the MRI show any structural issues of the sinuses that would cause them not to drain properly?  Large tonsils could fall into this category.  If his tonsil are very large and are not allowing his sinuses to drain they may need to be removed to correct the problem.  There are other possible structural problems that could be causing the infections.  These would have to be addressed to resolve the repeated infections and consequential head aches.

Personally, I would discus all these issues with his doctors before making a decission.
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Hi - I am not trying to diagnose but lately I've been reading alot about candida yeast after my doctor told me I might have it.  Maybe it's something for you to look at. http://www.candidafree.net/index.htm    This site has some helpful information.  Whether you purchase or not is up to you but the information is there.......   Good Luck!
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