424549 tn?1308515502

Hazelnut, gluten and soy


5 years ago I was tested for food allergies. The tests came back with antibodies to gluten, soy and peanuts. It wasn't such a bad allergy that I was bothered with it in other ways  than some itching spots here and there so I never changed my diet permanently to avoid any of those allergens.

Two weeks ago I had more severe allergic reactions - itchy hands, rash, tightening throat. I took antihistamines and the worst reactions chilled. Still, I got a test done and it comes back positive for hazelnut, but apparently no reactions to the previous (gluten and soy).

Can allergies just disappear that way?

My feet are itching pretty much still but it does help with antihistamines - and well... If I don't eat hazel, I shouldn't be itchy, at least in my own opinion.

I haven't seen the bloodworks yet, but when it is said "no remarkable levels" can it still mean that my body throws in with signs of allergy?

I'd be thankful for an answer :-)

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There are two questions there I think.

1.two different results for high blood percent, and they causing bruises.
2.what B-hb is?

A higher blood percent would not cause any bruises, nor would it take a longer time to heal. in case, you have bruises which do not heal reasonably in time, you should talk to your doctor an d he would help you there.

Hemoglobin is sometimes referred to HBB or HgB in blood reports and there may be a variation in the reports marginally without any cause for worry.


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424549 tn?1308515502
Shhhh - sitting back and thinking a little bit I did at least recall B-haemoglobin. That was my blunder, but I still wonder how come it's listed 2 times with differences?
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424549 tn?1308515502
Hi again!

At least I did get that letter I was waiting for. Hurray....
Hazel (S-F17) went out on my results with 0.43 kU/L and of course I was hiiiiiigh above the normal on S-IgE because of that. Let's just say that I don't have to be more convinced than that...

But my question is: Can you tell me exactly what B-Hb is? I know as much as guessing on hemoglobin, but where does the B come from?
It's tested in two rounds, both in g/dL... One is 15.3 and the next is 15.8. Estimated GFR (wonder if that's GGT?) is >60 (mL/min/1,73m2).
I know this doesn't really pertain to allergies, but would a high bloodpercent cause easier bruising and bruises lasting several weeks (I have one from Christmas, only to give you an idea on how long I have signs of my clumsiness)...
Oh, potassium was 3.6 mmol/L, but I do guess that if I get some magnesium into my body, I'll get that one a tad bit higher too.

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Your sense of humoour rather implies that you take things in your stride easily, so i guees being patient should not be much of an issue if you make your mind to it.

Also you should talk to your doctor about getting an ultrasound abdomen done if the abdominal pain persists.

Keep us posted about the reports when they come in and also let us know about how you are doing.

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424549 tn?1308515502
The allergy has most of all shown in itches here and there - sometimes spots, other times just the itchy feet and hands, and one massive headache (occasionally syncopes). As far as that, Kestine do wonders!

It is absolutely nothing acute so I do again reach for the book of Patience. Living in an area where there is 80% medical coverage it has to be a few questions now and then. The LFT comes back and then I know the exact comments my GP did and will probably see the levels on my own and can hopefully try my way from there and see if the abdominal pain lingers with time. I'll know where to go if the ache won't give in, and I do guess that the best way to find a solution is to rely on an accurate diagnosis.

Patience is one thing I've never had (oops?)... Other than the lack of patience and a little bit of sleep and the above allergical reactions, I am feeling great!

Thank you for a lot of help!
Have a good day.

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Indeed Medicine is very interesting, and answering your questions is a pleasure.

As far as the sweaty palms is considered, it appears to be more of a physiological matter than a disorder itself. Did it start recently? Has it been associated with any other symptoms of allergy?

It is hard to say, but seems unlikely, that your stomach ache is associated with the anti-histamines. There could be some underlying disorder there, but its seems distant. Nonetheless, I think its a good idea to get one examined rather than to keep thinking about it.

I hope that helped. Keep us posted on your health.

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424549 tn?1308515502
I didn't think I'd get allergical reactions if I now stayed away from hazel, but the thing is... I have had this irritating itch at my hands that makes me sweat only at my fingertips (not in my palms) - what is it that makes that? I find it odd!
You don't have to answer that if there is no answer lol.

The next question is: What is it antihistamines do really? I mean, I know they calm down histamines (of course) but I notice that my stomach ache is lingering with them. Can stomach ache be an actual symptom of allergy? How come the antihistamines takes my tummy ache (located upper: quadrant, right side, below rib) away? Does the liver have anythign to do with allergical reactions too?

I just find it a pequliar mystery. If the stomach ache isn't a primary symptom to allergy I'll try to figure it out in other ways lol. (I was told to get in touch with my physician again to do a gastroscopy if it doesn't linger, so well - it makes me doubt if it is connected with allergy at all. It has me a bit baffled sitting here with antihistamines working and had no known triggers digested today.

Bear with me, medicine IS quite interesting!

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Glad the post was of some help.

Do let us know what your physician advises.

Also you can contact us if you have any oher doubts or queries.

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424549 tn?1308515502
Thank you for solving that riddle for me. I haven't talked with my physician yet (specialist family medicine), but I do guess I will get the letter soon with her comments.

Thanks again
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The first question you had was whether allergies can disappear and reappear on their own. This is a natural phenomenon and is known to occur without any known triggers.

The second question was whether tests are foolproof. Like all tests, bloodwork for allergies may not be perfect. That is the tests are an indication and are not a true representation for your body's actual immune status.

You may discuss more on these matters with your allergy specialist who would eb able to provide you more information on your tests and condition.

Let us know if you have any other queries.

All the best.
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