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Help Please Popped my ears after ear tube insertion? can theyget out of place

Hi, I have a few questions I had an ear tube placed in my right ear due to pain/pressure, the pressure test resulted in a negative 25 result and the doctor says that why I feel so much pressure and clogged up feeling in my ear,

anyway he inserted an ear tube and just told me that i would get relief but did not mention when exactly i will feel better, anyway when i blow my nose hard one side at a time, I feel that my ear clogs up even more now, well i tried popping my ear a few times to get some relief and its still clogged just like before, I guess i did wrong by popping my ears or blowing my nose hard, but i was not told anything regarding not doing this.

can I have moved the ear tibe with the pressure from popping my ears etc.. I am so scared now i dont know if I messed it up can anyone tell me if this ear tube can move out of place? i am scared of going through the pain of putting the ear tube back  in place.

By the way I have absolutely no relief from my clogged ears after having the ear tubes in.

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I was just wondering what symptoms you were having with your ears before you had the surgery.  My ears have been messed up for about 6 months.  I get like these dizzy spells i don't stumble around or nothing just the feeling, also everytime that I swallow my ears will pop just like they do when you are driving in the mountains.  I was just wondering if you were having the same symptoms as I was cause sometimes I think that I am all alone.  Thanks
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I have the same problem.  I wish I would not have got this tube in my ear.  
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when you have a tube inserted you don't need to pop your ears that is why they insert the tube so that it relieves pressure, I have had this surgery done since birth and i'm 34 now. This is what my ENT always tells me.  They can fall out, I am curious as to how long you have had them in they can stay in from six months to two years depending on if you get a lot of infections or not, but the tubes are supposed to cut down on the amount of infections you get.

I'm not a doctor and this should not replace the advice of your own doctor please make an appointment if you are having issues with fullness in your ear especially if you have developed hearing loss associated to it.

just some advice...remember don't sue me i'm not a doctor just giving helpful advice....
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