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Heavy breathing and constant sniffling

For about four months now I have been constantly sniffling. The problem with this is that my nose is dry and I am just sniffing up air. It seems to be getting worse too. I have also started to experience heavy breathing. The breathing trouble and sniffling occurs more so when I am moving around. I have been allergy tested and found that allergies is not the issue. I also had a CT scan done on my sinus area and was told it was clear. I would like to mention that I had deviated septum surgery about five years ago.
These issues are really starting to affect my quality of life, and feel I feel hopeless. Any suggestions or ideas would be greatly appreciated.
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I went through a very rough time with allergies back in 2001. Was told I needed sinus surgery.  

I went another route and NEVER GOT THE SINUS SURGERY.  

Try alternative medicine NAET  or BRT. Body restoration technique.  You will need to find a chiropractor that also does the applied kenisology,  AK technique.  

There is a DETOX protocol to clear allergies form the system.   Once the DETOX protocol is completed the chiropractor will be able to help you with specific issues.  

In addition to allergies,  NAET and/or BRT can be used to help the body build a stronger tolerance. I have used for issues such as rashes,  viruses, bacteria,  lung and cough,  blood sugar   thyroid, CELIAC disease,  arthritis, inflammation,  pesticides exposure  etc.

Your health will improve.  

Good luck
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I will definitely look into this!! I will try anything at this point. Thanks!!
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There is another technique called BAX 3ooo and BAX AURA.  This is also alternative.  This is a higher level of accupunture done with computer and laser.  Depending where you live in the US, might be harder to find. Usually done with a chiropractor.  

If you are in Houston TX call 281-444-1000, Durrett Chiropractic.  

In Richardson TX Dr. Nannis.

Bax 3000 and Bax Aura may also be found under Allergicare.

I have used every technique I suggested with Extremely good results.  

Good luck
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I'd like to know if you are on any medications and if so what are they, also if your main complaint is dry sinus' I would recommend a light lubricated nose spray as needed and sleeping with a cool mist or steam vaporizer.
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