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atopic allergy

What is Atopic Allergy? and how to control/treat it
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563773 tn?1374246539

Atopic allergy is a type of immediate hypersensitivity in humans resulting from spontaneous sensitization, usually by inhaled or ingested antigens; for example, asthma, hay fever, or hives. In the strict sense of its meaning, it is the first (type 1) of five forms of hypersensitivity.

Type I hypersensitivity is characterized by an allergic reaction that occurs immediately following contact with the antigen, referred to as the allergen. Atopic allergy is mediated by immunoglobulin E (IgE), antibodies which are bound to the mast cells. When allergens cross-link the IgE molecules degranulation is induced and mediators such as histamine and other vasoactive amines are released and produce the allergic reactions.

Diagnosis of allergies is done by skin ***** or patch tests and confirmation is done by blood tests like RAST.

The most important treatment for allergies is avoidance of the allergen.
Other treatment options include oral antihistaminics like benadryl and Claritin or non sedating antihistaminics like zyrtec; Topical or oral decongestants for rhinitis and nasal congestion; topical steroids for skin rashes and itching; oral steroids in more severe cases and bronchodilators in cases of difficulty in breathing and wheezing.

These medications all help to relieve short term symptoms of allergic reactions. However, there is a way of preventing the long term symptoms of allergies. This is through a process known as immunology, more commonly referred to as an allergy shot.

Ranitidine is taken in gastritis or gastro esophageal reflux disease. It is histamine H2-receptor antagonist that inhibits stomach acid production. It won’t have any effect in decreasing an allergic reaction.Antihistaminics in allergies act on H1 receptors.

I hope I have provided you with sufficient information. In case you need more, pls post us.

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563773 tn?1374246539

Going through your earlier post of July 23,I see that the doctor is right in diagnosing as atopy or dermographism.As the main problem that you are facing is itching allover the body, it can be atopic allergy.

The mainstay of treatment in your case is antihistamines which may be necessary for prolonged periods (in excess of 6 weeks). Double conventional doses of these non-sedating antihistamines such as Cetirizine, Loratadine, Acrivastine and Fexofenadine may be needed to get symptom relief. Sedating antihistamines such as Chlorphenamine or Hydroxyzine are used at night to get urticaria control. Short courses of oral cortisone or steroids are taken for short periods (one to three days) to settle more severe symptoms.
You may take Vitamin C along with the prescribed treatment. Vitamin C is a general anti-allergy supplement. It helps stabilize mast cells so they are less likely to release histamine.

Telfast tablets contain the active ingredient fexofenadine, which is a type of medicine called a non-sedating antihistamine. It works by preventing the actions of histamine.Zintac has been added to take care of the nausea and gastritis that the medicines might cause. Are you having any throat irritation as well? Sometimes throat irritation and cough may be caused by GERD and zintac will take care of that. The doctor is getting the x-rays and blood test to look out for other systemic diseases like liver disease which may be aggravating your condition.

If your itching does not improve with these medicines also, you can go in for immunotherapy.

Take care and regards.
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563773 tn?1374246539


Benoquin is Monobenzone topical.It is a depigmenting agent. It works by increasing the amount of skin pigment molecules (melanin) eliminated from skin cells in the body. The major side effect of depigmentation therapy)benoquin) is inflammation (redness and swelling) of the skin. You may experience itching or dry skin.

Skin treated with monobenzone may be especially sensitive to sunlight or irritation for the rest of your life. Monobenzone will make your skin more sensitive to sunlight and sunburn may result.

Talk to your dermatologist about other means of treatment of vitiligo like Psoralen photochemotherapy or topical steroid therapy.Severe case can go in for skin grafting.

Hope it helps.

Take care and regards.

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