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How can I find out what is making my ankle swell and itch?

For about the past 5 years, during the Spring and Summer, one of my ankles will start swelling, become very hot and itch.  The first time it happened, my doctor thought I had been bitten by a spider, but that was ruled out.  Was put on Steroids, given a steroid injection and an anti-itch cream.  Happened several times that summer and we finally thought it was an allergic reaction to something used on a golf course.  That seemed to be the only time it would happen, is after I played golf.  Same treatment was given each time and it cleared up.  Now it has started happening when I have been out in my yard.  Summer is just starting and  I have already been to the doctor for swelling, and itching on my right ankle.  Can anyone help????
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You could take oral antihistamine medications for a few days and see if it helps with your symptoms.

If the lesions still persist talk to your doctor about it and see what needs to be done after a proper clinical examination.

Try some hot fomentation and see if it helps with the swelling.

Let us know if you have any other doubts or queries.

Hope this helps.

Good luck.
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Thansk for answering.  When this happens, I don't have any other symptoms.  Just the itching, swelling, redness and my ankle/foot is very swollen.  I have tried calamine lotion and it doesn't help the itching, at all.  The only thing that seems to stop the itching is the steroid cream.  
I had allergy testing done, probably 20 years ago and the only thing I was highly allergic to was cats.  I took allergy shots, (because I had a cat), until I built up an immunity.  My symptoms then, was sneezing, itchy, watery eyes, trouble breathing.  Haven't had any trouble since.
My Dad is 75 and within the past five years has become extremely allergic to a lot of different things. (dust, cigarette smoke, pollen, etc.) Before this he never had a problem.  No one else in my family has any problems with allergies.
Thank you!!
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You could be having an allergic reaction to some substance, dermatitis or eczema .

What other symptoms are you having? Let us also know if you have any past history of any allergic reaction or any family history of allergies, etc.

Wear comfortable footwear, avoid sweat accumulation and do not walk bare foot when out doors.

You could apply calamine lotion at the site and see if it helps.    

You could take oral antihistamine medications for a few days and see if it helps with your symptoms.

If the lesions still persist talk to your doctor about it and see what needs to be done after a proper clinical examination.

Try some hot fomentation and see if it helps with the swelling.

Let us know if you have any other doubts or queries.

Hope this helps.

Good luck.
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