1081172 tn?1256296445

I need help

I have been suffering form something weird for as long as 2 years now. I only can describe it as an allergy like symptom, my whole body feels like it if fighting itself(sounds weird i know) all my blood work comes back great, I have been tested for all kinds of different diseases RA, lupus, my ana was positive now negative, My IGE test level was around 500 doc says that i have some type of allergy but i am taking shots and med for them and nothing seems to help. I feel that something bad is happening to me and no one can find it, I am getting scared and don't know what to do... Please help. thank you
2 Responses
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535822 tn?1443976780
You dont say the symptoms you are getting, have you a rash ?
Helpful - 0
1081172 tn?1256296445
I am sorry when I eat or drink anything my mouth starts burning, my lips get really itchey and some times i feel a weird pulling on the right side? is this allergies
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