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I smell exhaust fumes all the time

I have been smelling exhaust fumes where none exist for about 2 weeks now. I can be in the shower or laying in bed and the smell won't go away, it smells like i'm in an enclosed garage with a gas powered vehicle running. Is this common?, I have never had any allergies.
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Interesting. I smelt exhaust after spending an immense amount of hours painting. I barely slept. Then I started smelling fumes everywehere. I was painting with oils, but that wasn't the smell that lingured. So I wondered if the smell was related to a kind of stress and over working..
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Interesting. I smelt exhaust after spending an immense amount of hours painting. I barely slept. Then I started smelling fumes everywehere. I was painting with oils, but that wasn't the smell that lingured. So I wondered if the smell was related to a kind of stress and over working.. You indicate that it could be...
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I have been smelling exhaust fumes/carbon monoxide for a few weeks currently.  I have been prone to sinus infections for a few years now. The antibiotic Biaxin has been the solution for the sinus infections.  Actually this smell started about a month ago, as the sinus infection symptoms increased, headache fatigue, sore throat and chronic sinus drip.  While taking Biaxin for 20 days the smell was daily. My sinuses are clear, but the smell remains.   I have been off the Biaxin for 4 days.  
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Interesting reading everyone's comments - Ive always had a good sense of smell - however after having all my teeth extracted in June 2014 it's become a nightmare.  For quite awhile I would swear someone was smoking a cigarette near me - even while sitting in my own house - we are non smokers - however the last couple of months I now feel like im living with my head inside a car exhaust.
It's driving me crazy - no-one else can smell it - we have gas appliances at home - these have checked out to be all ok - sort of knew it was as I now smell it in my car - at work and at various other times  - it's driving me insane - so i googled - why do i keep smelling carbon monoxide and almost leapt with joy to see that there are many others with the same issues.  I don't know why but it's only been since my teeth were done and i wear full dentures.
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Candida (yeast/fungus) Overgrowth is most likely responsible for the breath and many other symptoms that may be going on at the same time or recently.  GERD, IBS, Acid Reflux, Water that causes Acid Reflux,  Migraine Headache (can be caused by) High Blood Pressure, Low Body Temperature, Nausea, Vomiting, Dripping Sinuses, and much more. In fact there are so many symptoms it seems that almost anything could be Candida. Candida usually starts out small and gets more aggressive over time especially with the help of antibiotics which allow it to flourish. It's important to find someone who really knows how to treat this because the longer you have it, the harder it is to get rid of. Over time it gets harder to test for as it gets deeper into the weak areas of your body. It's difficult to get under control and almost impossible to get rid of completely. If you suffer from this, and 1 in 3 people do, it's important to find someone who knows how to fight candida overgrowth and not just put you an a special diet with probiotics, because that won't help you when it gets so bad you can smell the chemicals it makes when it dies off.
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I have been having this same problem with smelling gas engine exhaust. My wife who has a sensitive nose, doesn't smell anything. I tried several things.  The smell comes and goes. It seems to start in the evening.  I tried several things to get rid of it.  
The things that worked for me were:  I went outside to breath fresh air and it stopped immediately.  After being back in the house awhile it would come back.  Since we live in Florida, l wondered if it was the dry air conditioned air.    The outside air is always damp.  
I tried to breath in steam from a hot cup of water. It stops the smell immediately.  However it does not last long.
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hmm... very interesting, will try this simple solution for the time being.
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