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In desperate need of a solution....

I have been suffering from chronic congestion and cough. The cough has led to very sore throat, on liquids only diet (so painful in Italy).

I am studying abroad and living with a host family that has 3 cats. The apartment is small, old, and very dusty. Upon my first day living there, I was overcome by terrible headache which progressed into what I believed to be a sinus infection. The problem persisted into a cough. I have been sick for 3 months now, not counting the 10 days that I was away from this apartment for Spring Break. Within a few days my symptoms all cleared while away. Of course my first day, within an hour of getting back to the apartment after vacation the symptoms all began again. The headaches, the painful dry coughing. I also have stomach issues, acid comes up at times.

At home in the States, I am used to living in very healthy clean environment. I have always eaten all organic, naturally raised crops/animals from nearby farms. As far as cooking, I always grill, roast, or boil. I am careful to clean often, using a vacuum with an allergen reducer/HEEPA filter if I recall correctly. No artificial cleaning sprays, candles, etc are used EVER. While in Italy, I had to adjust to microwave dinners courtesy of where I am staying and a not so clean/health conscious environment. Unfortunately i would be cooking myself, but school regulations does not permit it. As far as eating out, I do so on weekends but have to be careful not to cancel dinner too much so as not to offend my host.

I had seen an Ear, Nose, Throat specialist who informed me that I have chronic sinusitis. However, with a homeopathic spray my symptoms are controlled and minimal.

Could my issue be cat allergies?? I have all the symptoms-- sneezing, congestion, nasal drip, cough symptoms, difficulty breathing (because my throat is inflamed). I am lacking the watery eyes. I wear contacts and use eye drops daily so I am thinking that this presents them from reacting to the dust and dander.

Also, as far as spreading the virus. I have many friends around me all the time. Always hugging and kissing eachother on the cheek, sharing food---none of them have caught anything.

Very frustrated at this point. I just want to get better so that I can stop missing school and start living life again. Going to doctor yet again today to get prescription for allergy test. I am doing this after countless visits to them and a series of antibiotic/cough treatments they have given me over the past few months.

Please help! I dont know what to do! Hate to tell my mom how sick I have been, no need to make her worry.
Thank youu!
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351246 tn?1379682132
Thanks for writing to the forum!
Based on such a strong family history and your symptoms, I think it would be safe to say that you are allergic to cats. The best treatment is to find another place to stay. If that is not possible see if the following can be done.
Here is a link which will tell you everything about cat allergy: http://www.webmd.com/allergies/relief-for-allergies-8/cat-allergies
• Ensure the cat is neutered
• Bathing the cat at least once or twice a week
• Wiping the cat with a wet cloth or hand towel daily
• Remove the cat from the bedroom, close the bedroom door and air vents to the bedroom
• Keep the cat outside or in the garage, or in a part of the home with an uncarpeted floor
• Vacuum frequently with a HEPA-equipped vacuum cleaner
• Purchase a HEPA room air cleaner for use in the bedroom and/or other parts of the home (it is best to keep the HEPA filter off of the floor so as to not stir up more dust)
• Follow house dust mite avoidance precautions
• If the above measures do not help to reduce allergic symptoms, getting rid of the pet cats may be needed, particularly for people with uncontrolled asthma.
• Cat dander will persist for months to years in the home even if the cat is gone – therefore it is important to clean thoroughly
• steam clean all carpets and upholstered furniture
• launder or dry clean all bedding and curtains
• vacuum all hard floors
• wipe down all hard surfaces and furniture
• replace any air conditioner and heater vent filter

Hope this helps. Please let me know if there is any thing else and do keep me posted. Take care!
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Forgot to mention that my father and 2 brothers are both allergic to pet dander.
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