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allergic bronchitis and gas

i am suffering from allergic bronchitis since 6 months,its keeps recurring however lately ive realised even if i dont step out of my house i feel extremely breathlesness in evenings and night when im lying down and i keep burping the whole day,could gas formation be an aggravating factor??i have been slightly over weight so am on a diet,could gas be a cause for my breathing troubles?wat should i eat in order to avoid it
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

For GERD along with medications, you could try life style measures. Take frequent small meals. Eat dinner about two hours before sleeping. Elevate the head end of the bed. Keep a food diary and note down what aggravates your symptoms and avoid them. Ensure to maintain optimum weight by regular exercise. Avoid non steroidal  anti inflammatory medications NSAID's, quit smoking, eliminate alcohol and reduce stress levels. These measures need to be practiced long term for results.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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thank u for the advice...i have recently started doin yoga as well...is there anything in particular i should avoid for allergic bronchitis...i used to smoke occassionally but since 6 months i have not even touched....is there any food in particular i should avoid??? i am taking antacids daily but the problem keeps recurring whenever my stomachs empty...is there any permanent solution ??pls help
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

The other causes for your symptoms besides allergic bronchitis are GERD and post nasal drip from allergies. GERD is gastro esophageal reflux disease where the stomach acids come back into the esophagus and spill into the wind pipe causing cough and breathlessness. Treatment with antacids will help neutralize the acids. Post nasal drips can occur with sinusitis and throat infections. Giving up cigarettes will abolish the symptoms in 90% of people. Talk to your GP about the other causes for your symptoms in the meantime you could try warm salt water gargles and breathing exercises.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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