969042 tn?1259067775

Intorence's are intorerable aren't they?

I posted this earlier and I'm going to again now because I'm fairly new to this or any forum and just learning how this
Hello, I really appreciate reading all of everyone's comments.  I'm 52 and the intolerance's started to become more apparent when I was 39 with milk becoming the first known culprit. I had already been experiencing on and off diarrhea for almost 10 yrs by then. Then a couple of years ago I started getting reactions to what seemed to be garlic and maybe onion and a bit to ginger. I couldn't understand what was going on. Not everytime but many times I experience one or all of these symptoms: my abdomen feels like it's going to explode and gets huge and hard. It rumbles, gurgles, hurts, is very uncomfortable.  I often get diarrhea with or without a lower intense intestinal pain, waves of nausea, horrible panic attack, mild to severe headache, facial pain, runny stuffed nose, Just this year I was diagnosed with IBS and gallstones but I think this intolerance is still separate.  
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969042 tn?1259067775
I forgot to mention that my abdomen also pulsates and throbs when it's agitated. Does anyone else experience such a weird combo?  
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681148 tn?1437661591
Hello, I do believe I got a note from you recently about this.  I experience similar issues with food intolerances and IBS.  For me, the issues are not separate at all.  I have a lot of food intolerances that I didn't realize were causing my symptoms 'til I went through an elimination diet/food challenge.  This really helped me discover which foods I should avoid, then my symptoms started to improve.  I still get IBS symptoms to a certain degree in response to strong emotions from stress.  You may want to try this with guidance from a naturopath.  My naturopath told me that she has every one of her patients go through this process.  A lot of digestive issues and other allergic responses are caused by food intolerances.  Migraines can be responses to such things, too.

The elimination diet/food challenge was a really long process, but it was so worth it.  My GERD symptoms are so much better, so I'm no longer using PPI medications or other reflux medications.  This is great, because the medications themselves were making me feel sick, too.  The same things that bothered my GERD would aggravate my IBS, too.  I get other types of allergic responses, too, but the digestive issues have been the biggest symptoms.  I noticed that my sinus symptoms greatly improved when I stopped eating the foods that were causing me so much trouble.  All the food items you mentioned are big problems for me, too.

To me what you've described doesn't sound so strange at all, because that's been my own experience, too.

My mother told me that I had food allergies as a baby.  Everyone thought the food allergies had disappeared, since I didn't have such obvious outward symptoms any more.  But, my symptoms came back with a vengeance and I've had to discover all over again that I have numerous food intolerances.

One way I learned that food intolerances were involved with the GERD is because of what a friend had mentioned about Benadryl reducing the amount of burning involved.  Sure enough, I had the same kind of experience.  So, I knew to try to figure out which foods were causing the symptoms and avoid those foods.  My list of food intolerances became quite intensive.

Another thing to consider is avoiding packaged and processed foods.  Many of us react to the sulfites and other food preservatives and don't realize that this is the culprit, rather than the food being preserved with the chemicals itself.  All forms of natural and manmade sugars are a big item, too.  Sugar substitutes are bad, because they're more chemicals to make one feel sick.  I learned that xylitol is most often made from birch, one of my true allergies I tested positive for at the allergist's office.

Food intolerances can't always be verified with the igE tests done at the allergist's office.  One can test negative for the food intolerance and still react to that particular food item.  Natural medicine sometimes calls these food intolerances or food sensitivities "hidden food allergies" and says that one is actually still allergic to these items.  The difference is that what your conventional allergist calls a true allergy could kill you outright with anaphylactic shock.  Food sensitivities will still make you sick without potentially killing you outright.  The food items still need to be avoided in order to stop feeling sick all the time.
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