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Itching all over after sneezing?

Occasionally when I sneeze I become very itchy all over my body (legs, arms, torso, but nothing from neck up).  What is this?  Quick Googling kind of hints toward allergies, but I am not very sensitive to them as is.  This has been happening to me as long as I can remember, yet I've never seen or heard of anyone having this.  It always goes away in a minute or so.  Just weird.  I get it maybe once every couple months, not sure if it's related to allergy season.  Any ideas from you all?

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I would strongly suspect allergies.  

It could be that whatever allergen triggered your sneezing also triggers the itching.  I am waiting for a friend to give me a link to an article about this on another website.  I asked for it yesterday.  When I get it, I will post it here as well.  What she has said about that article is that there has been reasearch indicating that inhaled allergens can cause itching.  She is a medical researcher for a dr (looks up info on the internet), and her sources are always reliable as a result, usually medical journal articles.  

I have taken Benadryl for fast relief from the itching.  
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, I agree with bsmsl, that you are having allergic response to some unknown allergen. The allergens or triggering factors like dust, fog, pollens etc. can cause the precipitation of these symptoms. These symptoms are exaggerated esp. in winter or cold environment.

Sneezing is a protective reflex which occurs secondary to exposure to the irritant or allergen, which helps to blow out the irritant. In some indviduals there will be Airway hyperresponsiveness due which there can be either allergic rhinitis (mild to severe form) or asthma.

There is particular neuronal mechanism exists. When ever you are exposed to allergen there will be release of histamine, this is responsible for sneezing first and then followed by further release of histamine in the skin leading to itching. The order may differ from individuals to individuals.

You need to identify such allergen and prevent further exposure. This measure is sufficient as you have milder form of allergy. Take care and regards.
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Iit happens to me . I wonder what that allergen is becaus it happens to me in almost every place I have been globally
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I was googling  about some thing like this because i have the same thing too. every single times i sneezes my body itches but for me it's all over my body it include face, nose, on the top of my head legs, feet, hands, arms, even under my feet and in my palms too. And this happen after a sneeze, a sudden excitement, or a good jump from a scared, even a sudden scared from a loud music, sound or voice.
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It most be acne there happen to be others type of acne that are call blackhead and Whitehead you might have it all over your body in and out I discovered that I have Whitehead in and out of my body that happen to be the reason I ich so badly every now and then.
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