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rash from Warners "This Is Not a Bra" bra

Just learned about the formaldehyde in Victoria Secret bras when I went online to try to figure out why I have this red, burning rash under and around my bra. It's all over my torso and arms.  I recently bought the Warners "This Is Not a Bra" underwire bra.  This reaction didn't happen right away, but maybe the fabric starts to break down with wear and washing, and releases the formaldehyde (or other hideous chemicals).  Anyone else having this reaction?
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Old forum but this problem is still occurring.

I have a severe rash underneath my breast after wearing Warner brand bras. I am so concerned about how this will affect my health and if I will be able to heal. Cancer has unfortunately effected multiple people in the family and this just terrifies me. I would never think that a company would be so careless this way. I am reaching out to them regarding this issue
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Yes!!! I recently developed a rash from a Warner.s bra. It's the one they advertise as being so comfortable. Even worse, I developed a fast growing skin cancer before I developed the rash. I go in tanning beds from time to time for short periods. I thought it was odd that a mole I have on my breast suddenly changed quickly growing, turning darker and rougher yet no moles or cancers from skin exposed in the tanning bed. It's taken me months to figure out it was my bra and I am pissed!!!!!!! The rash on my breast showed up recently only the areas covered by the bra. I don't have money to go to dermatologist, doctor or pay for cancer treatment. I would think that bra's are something we should be able to buy and wear safely. I think its the bra's they have made overseas or some new chemicals they are using to make fabrics out of because I have never had this problem before. I am beyond pissed!!!!!!!!!
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I purchased two Warner's bras, wireless no back lines or something like that. I liked them so much I went back and bought two more. I washed them, wore them faithfully for about 3 weeks. It started with bumps around my nipples then red rash under the bra and it's spreading.

I've never experienced rashes from bras and I wore Victoria Secret bras before I bought the Warner's bras.
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I just got this Warners strapless bra and I broke out in nasty red welts and one had a blister, first time I've even worn it.
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I bought a new bra, Warner's Elements of Bliss, wireless, washed it and the day after I wore it I started with a few "bites" which then went to a rash that itched constantly for 10 days.  The rash is very much like poison ivy.  I thought it might be the bra and that maybe I didn't wash it well,  so I washed and dried it hot.  I just started with another rash after wearing the bra a second time.  It definitely was the bra causing the rash.  Now out to buy some more Benedryl.
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I've had a rash problem with my Warner's bras, too!  Thank you for posting!
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I've had a Warners bra for a year or two and just recently it started making my breasts itch and break out in rash. I'm thinking the same as you. Maybe they break down over time. I didn't know it contained formaldehyde.Yuk!!!!
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612551 tn?1450022175
I was reading down the list on this Allergy Community to see if there were any posts on sinus problems when I noticed you had what looked to be a duplicate post - I am very active on another community but rarely on this one.

So, in spite of the fact I'm a guy and have zero experience with your question I will note I recall without detail something in the "news" about Victoria Secrets and a problem, perhaps, such as you suspect.  Seem reasonable to take action, such as returning to a product used in the past you know didn't cause the current problem.

Now the only real help I have, is you may want to correct your "profile" to show female rather than male.

Good luck and best in this new year, 2013.
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