1129358 tn?1260225530

Itchy Skin, Breakouts, Wheezing and Coughing

I had a bad cold not too long ago and as i got over it. A certain symptom stuck with me. I break out on random parts of my body with itching. If i scratch it, it breaks out into a lot of small bumps along with a red rash so ive learned just to rub the area and eventually it goes away (unless its on my back or somewhere i cant reach) Occasionally i will also have wheezing and coughing while trying to sleep.

Ive learned a few things:
1) when i hold my cat, my arms break out but i was never allergic to her before
2) Keeping my window open keeps me from breaking out but its hard to do that in winter weather.
8 Responses
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1129358 tn?1260225530
lol. well i had a dump moment and drank a ton of soda and was up all night with break outs so it really helps.
Helpful - 0
1146459 tn?1292493106
That was my duty .All diseases can be cured by its specific food regime. I learned it from my master.
Helpful - 0
1129358 tn?1260225530
thanks a ton you know that really helped. I started drinking more juices and grilled foods and it really cut down my break outs
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1146459 tn?1292493106
Yes,avoid eating these histamine creators. Allergy is a symptom and is not a bad thing by itself.It just shows a warning about something like as bad nutrition .
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1129358 tn?1260225530
Cool. So no soda's or tea or cold cut meats?
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1146459 tn?1292493106
cold cuts,soft drinks and tea.
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1129358 tn?1260225530
what do you mean by bread house and food sandwiches
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1146459 tn?1292493106
Allergies can be treated through three-day treatment .at first you should avoid eating foods that creates histamine; yogurt, food sandwiches, bread house, high salt ....
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