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what do i suffer from?

at times i wake up,start having shortbreath.i feel my clothes are too tight.especially between and under my chests.i have cough.which seem painfull and forcefull as i try to cough out the mucus in my throat.i get extreamly weak and get exhausted and out of breath in just a few steps.before it used too start with 12 - 15 sneezes in a row then i use to become weaker and same goes for my breathing. it seems to have worsen. at times i feel im out of breath,literally.i dont vomit.now if theres any intake or contact of snack biscuits,cold treats, smoky mosquito repelent,i`ll have short breath. when i go to the hospital at night and have serious shortage of brfeath they`ll give me this kinda nose mask from which you inhale i guess evaporated medicine,which helps but with that amoxillin capsules and panadol  some times with ventolyn.they ask if im a known asthmatic,when i say yes but that i dont use the inhaler (pump) or take any frequent medication,they get confused.becouse i dont use the inhaler.i start sneezing when contact with dusts strong scents sometimes even with the soap i use and ofcorse when its cold.am i an asthmatic patient? what if i run out of breath again and my dose of medicines` finished.what if my dad cant get me to the hospital,what if noone hears my call for help and im trying to catch my breath will i die?have i become an asthmatic patient?
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, it is important to rule out respiratory system dyspnea (breathlessness) from cardiovascular dyspnea. Or else you may have more than one problem contributing to the breathing discomfort.

The most common causes of dyspnea are asthma, COPD, interstitial lung disease, and cardiomyopathy, valvular disorders, pericardial diseases, anemia etc.

You need to undergo pulmonary function tests like spirometry, chest radiograph and ECG to rule out the cause.

It is difficult to come to a certain diagnosis with available history. Once the diagnosis is made measures can be taken to prevent breathlessness. Such as allergen avoidance, short acting bronchodilators in respiratory causes. As for cardiac causes medications are available to prevent further worsening of symptoms.  

Further evaluation is needed. I suggest you to consult physician. Take care and regards.

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A Diagnosis of Asthma is quite specific.  Go to:


If you HAVE been medically diagnosed with Asthma, are you an allergic Asthmatic, Bronchial Asthmatic?  You will need to learn your specific diagnosis and triggers as Asthma can be life-threatening.

The most important advice I can offer you is that you ensure you take your preventative medications and avoid your 'triggers'.  I am considered a fairly severe asthmatic, who without adhering to a strict regiment of Advair, Singulair and Veremyst would suffer far more than I do.  Albuterol is considered a 'rescue inhaler' it does not prevent asthma attacks.

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