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Green Tea

How long should I take the grrn Tea before i decide it will not help?
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Green tea and green tea supplements have become very popular in the last few years and have been touted as a panacea for many illnesses. While drinking green tea may be beneficial, there is less evidence to support the use of green tea extract, which is often marketed and used for weight loss. While there is some evidence to support this, there may be some risk. In a Clinical Observation published in The Annals of Internal Medicine (2006; 144: 68-69), Dr. Herbert Bonkovsky reports on a case of liver toxicity related to green tea extract.

The patient, a 37 year old woman, had arrived at the hospital complaining of abdominal pain, nausea and jaundice. Testing for infection was negative, but a liver biopsy showed liver damage. She had been taking "The Right Approach Complex", a weight loss supplement containing green tea extract. When she stopped taking the supplement, her liver tests returned to normal.

One year later the same patient was admitted to the hospital again with the same symptoms. A month earlier she had started taking the same supplement. Testing of her liver showed similar results to the previous year and again returned to normal after stopping the supplement for the second time. This is what doctors call a "positive rechallenge," meaning that the supplement caused problems with a second use or "challenge." This is generally taken as evidence of a medication or supplement as the cause of a side effect.

While one popular website still reports, "To date, the only negative side effect reported from drinking green tea is insomnia due to the fact that it contains caffeine," this is clearly not the case with supplements. Dr. Bonkovsky reports eight other cases where use of green tea extract caused liver problems.

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My name is Kaela. My boyfriend of 3 years has an 8 year old girl with severe excema. I never knew what it was until I saw her poor skin. It would crack and bleed all the time when we used to cover her in eucerin. I used to wait until she'd been sleeping a bit and then lather more on her. Nothing ever changed. Then I was introduced to a company that only produces botanically based products. My boyfriend and his ex-wife were more than willing to try it out so we began with these few products. I am soo thoroughly impressed with her results that I buy stuff for myself and all of my family. Her cracking and bleeding went away completely after a month and you could see results in just a couple of days. She no longer was scratching in her sleep and wearing band-aides to school. If you want more information let me know I think everyone should use this on their children and themselves. They have products that are all botanically based from Baby care- Vitamins-Remidies-Acne- to Anti-aging. If you have any questions e-mail me I found tons of information. ***@**** or ***@****
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I have had chronic hives off and on for 20 years.  I went through the battery of allergy tests to no avail.  I do think they are stress induced.  I also have terrible heartburn when they occur.  I thought I had them remedied with tagamet and benadryll.  I haven't had them for a few years, then all of the sudden they slowly reappear. I never had them when I was pregnant.  I am going to try the green tea route.  They do seem to be worse when I have white flour and sugar products.
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I have been drinking green tea for 25 yrs 3cups a day. Just
because I like it. Then I got allergies & am still drinking
the tea. No, allergy is not to tea. Green tea just is a gd-
immune system builder. It's not a histamine blocker.
Enjoy the tea & maybe you'll get a placebo affect? Avoid the
fake sweetners & try it w/ natural honey.
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I will advice you to visit http://www.medical-health-care-information.com/Health-news/9-29-Herbal-Tea.htm
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