1398693 tn?1343684738

Lung Inflamation

Back in February my a long time diagnosis of asthma became severe asthma and I was told at that time I had viral bronchitis since then I have a lot of problems breathing on a nearly daily basis with a day here and there with no symptoms at all, also there’s very little mucus I only cough anything up in the morning every now and then not very often and I don’t wheeze either. I had blood word done a few days ago 10-30-13 and my CO2 came back good CO2 20  normal range 22 – 32 mmol/L My current meds are: COMBIVENT RESPIMAT 20-100 MCG/ACT IN AERS, LEVALBUTEROL HCL 1.25 MG/3ML IN NEBU 2X a day before advair, SINGULAIR 10 MG PO TABS, ADVAIR DISKUS 500-50 MCG/DOSE IN AEPB 2X a day, QVAR 80 MCG/ACT IN AERS 2 puffs 2X a day
When I see me doctor  primary or allergist they all ways tell me that my lungs are clear but I still can’t breathe I’m even having a problem breathing when he’s listening to my lungs. Could my lungs be chronically inflamed?
I haven’t had an x-ray since February I don’t know why they won’t do an x-ray to see what’s    going on?
2 Responses
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Hi, what are your O2 sats? And what does your lung function test show? In spite of all the medications if there is persisting bronchospasm then it will compromise lung function causing breathlessness. This will be evident on spirometry. Also, because of the ingoing lung disease if the O2 saturation is not adequately maintained, it can cause breathlessness. Added causes like anemia and cardiac disorders could further aggravate the breathlessness. Regards.
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1398693 tn?1343684738
Thank you for your response DrAntha.
I had blood word done a few days ago 10-30-13 from a COMPR METAB PANEL and my CO2 came back CO2 20  normal range 22 – 32 mmol/L and I had a PFT on 6-12-13 FVC L 2.51 FEV1 L 1.71 FVF 25%-75% L/sec 0.82 FEF Max L/sec 4.55 unfortunately my allergist doesn't go by PFTs he prefers symptoms
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