3187059 tn?1344885576

Am I allergic ?

What I feel is shortness of breath, sometimes left pain, also have a rapid heart beat.  but every morning I sneeze and have secretion it last 10 min or 15 . now days my  are also red and itch. I took Dexamethasone ( anti allergic for eyes itch ) and I do feel better ..even I don't have that sneeze in the morning .what worries me is the shortness of breath they are not often and they don't last. Am I allergic ..do I have asthma or this shortness of breath and left pain have to do with heart problem ? Help please !
4 Responses
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535822 tn?1443976780
I would get checked out, but sounds like environmental allergies to me ..we get them a lot here , I think its the aerial spraying they are doing with the world wide programs on weatherisation.. look up 'What on Earth are they Spraying .
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3187059 tn?1344885576
Thank u ! :)
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

Looks like you're allergic responses are causing Allergic Rhinitis & Allergic Conjunctivitis. Consult an allergy specialist. First he may do a blood IgE levels to see if they are raised. Next, he will do skin testing. This test is painless, in which a very small amount of certain allergens are pricked into the surface of your skin. If you have allergies, just a little swelling will occur where the allergen was introduced.  Reactions occur within about 15 minutes. If needed more sensitive intradermal tests will be used in which a small amount of allergen is injected within the skin. Based on this he may plan for immunotherapy.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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3187059 tn?1344885576
Thank u !
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