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Mucous Filled Cyst

Ok here is the deal, I have been having Headaches chest pain, stuffiness in my ears ,nose, and throat.(accompanied with anxiety) For about a year and 1/4 now.  I went to an ENT Doctor to have a  sphenoid "polyp" removed. Well to make a long story short. They went in my sinus cavity  and thought I had a csf leak, so they withdrew from the surgery,However upon entrance of my sphenoid sinus cavity (and after lab test) they said that I had a mucus filled cyst, instead of a polyp. Could this be causing my Anxiety? and why do I feel "ok" some days and other days feel absoultey horrible, as if I have a hangover
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I went to the dentist and had x-rays taken. It was found I had a mucus seal in my left sinus cavity. This was in Jan and he told me according to the textbook they are suppose to dry up on there own and we would check it again in a few mths. Recently went back and its still there. I am going to ENT doctor. I talked to my regular doctor who told me if its not bothering me to leave it alone. I told dentist this who told me to still to get it checked. Is this a serious thing? I am worried. Also could i be prone to this since i broke my nose when i was a kid??? Jill
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I think you should talk to your doctor about steroid nasal sprays and antihistamine medications too.                

Also, discuss with your doctor about the surgery and its advantages in your case.

Let us know how your appointment with the doctor goes.

Hope this helps.

Good luck.
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Yes, I have seen an ENT. Im not sure exactly how big the cyst was, but just by looking at my CT scan it looked like it filled up appx. 1/4 to 1/3 of my sinus cavity..During the surgery, Initially The ENT Surgeon said that it looked like part of my brain was hanging through my sinus cavity, that was obviously before my lab test. Well basically, my Doctor told me that "the ball was in my court now". It is really up to me if I wanted to have the surgery or not. Oh and I am taking 1/2 of a Loratab a day ...no more than about 3 Loratabs a week and the rest of the time I take Tylenol I try not to combine the two and I try not to take more than one or two a day, but In the past I was taking anykind of otc meds I could to get rid of the headache. My next appt is in Feb 15th.
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How big is the mucus filled cyst?

You should get a review with an ENT specialist and also get a CT scan of your sinuses done.

If it is a mucus filled cyst then it can be removed and that would help cure or decrease your symptoms of headache, stuffiness, etc.

Are you on any medications currently?

Let us know what your doctor advises.

Hope this helps.

Good luck.
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