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My sister supposed allergy!!!

I have sister that drives me up the wall with her so called "allergies." She claims to be allergic to (RED FOOD DIE AND EVERYTHING ELSE RED) and certain aromatic candles. She has gone to allergy doctors who specialize in this stuff. Their answer was there was no such thing and presribed her a epi pen. Now are there any tests to prove or disprove these afore mentioned items. 1) Can you be allergic to food die and can it be backed by a scientific test? 2) Can you be allergic to aromatic candles and can it be backed by a scientific test? My goal is, if its true i will deal with the uptight, prude, inconsiderate sister, but I want the facts from a doctor and not her.
4 Responses
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563773 tn?1374246539
Food allergies can be tested by food challenge and elimination diets. For the allergies to aromatic candles, skin tests and blood tests for allergies like RAST can be done. In this a little amount of allergen is injected into the skin of the forearm by a doctor. The skin is closely watched for signs of a reaction, which include swelling and redness. Confirmatory diagnosis is by blood tests (RAST).

You can discuss about these tests with your doctor and get her allergies tested.

It is very difficult to precisely confirm a diagnosis without examination and investigations and the answer is based on the medical information provided. For exact diagnosis, you are requested to consult your doctor. I sincerely hope that helps. Take care and please do keep me posted on how you are doing.

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1530171 tn?1448129593
Hey Guy1987.
Welcome to the forum.

This from a previous post. And yes it is very possible!
And you do not need a Doctor to verify all this.
I will suggest to you a foolproof testing protocol.

"Member's Question.
Strawberries and watermelon make me itch, and things like red cough medicines make me feel very bad.  Lately I have been doing both even without these items.  What other foods contain the same type of natural red coloring as strawberries and watermelon?  I have been eating a small helping of fresh blueberries everyday.
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Member Comments (2)

by Nikodicreta
To: ladygreta
Hi and welcome to the forum.

Anthocyanins  are antioxidant flavonoids that give the pigmentation to various
colored vegetables and plants (from red to orange to purple to blue).
You may be reacting to a sub-type of these.
Anhtocyanins are used  (the extract) as  coloring agents . e.g : Red cough syrup.
That would explain the reaction to both.
There are hundreds of different types!

Some plants are genetically modified for higher Anthocyanin content,
so that may present some issues. Hard to tell - I haven't looked into any studies yet.

Do Dr. Coca's Pulse test (free download) and it will give you- with accuracy- any reactive substance  ingested. Even hidden or delayed reactions and allergies.
It takes a week but very excellent diagnostic tool!
Beats doing the  medical circuit!

If indeed allergic to certain substances, you may want to check out "holistic allergy elimination" in your area. That's one of the modalities I work with, using energy medicine, here in Canada.
Very efficient with good results.
Please post again for more details or to give update.

Nikodicreta "

Please pass this on to your sister.
She's the one suffering. And it is very real!
You are getting annoyed, however, would you trade places with
your sister, specially knowing that this may be a verifiable reaction?

The most accurate test is Dr. Coca's Pulse Test (Public Domain- free download)

The good news is that this allergy to Anthocyanins can be eliminated.
Ask her to look into "Allergy Antidotes" Practitioners - I use this modality in Canada-
or NAET* Doctors and Practitioners. Both offer great results and usually permanent.
*Dr. Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Techniques.

Should you or your sister need more information, please post here
or send me a message.

Please do your own research or check with your Health Care Professional
before making any decisions regarding your health.

Blessings to both,
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They both asked a doctor about the RAST test and the doctor replied back that red die could not be tested and he gave her a EPI Pen. So to me your response holds a partial truth. How would you conduct an appt. If someone said that when they eat something red they begin to have an allergic reation, but they wanted proof as to what, why and how.
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Yes, my wife is allergic to natural red. It is scientifically proven that anthocyanins are allergens for some people.
People who does not believe in allergies make a lot of harm. Psychological and sometimes medical. Some people hide allergens in allergic people food to prove allergy does not exits. Yes, it happens!
My wife's mother and sister did not believe in allergies until they get it. They are still ignorant.
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