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Nasalcrom and cats

Having several allergies, including many outdoors one (trees, grass, mold, and oas resulting) as well as some food allergies, and also pet allergies, i finally went to see an allergist earlier this year.  He prescribed veramist for my seasonal allergies and suggested that i take a combination of NASALCROM(nasal), PATADAY(eyes), and intol (chest), ten minutes before entering a home with cats.  Initially i saw great results with no allergies for about 3 or 4 hours.  I did this with success for a few months.  Then i began to notice that i still get nasal allergies when i enter a home with a cat (eyes and chest seem to be fine).  Could anyone help explain what may be happening here, or possibly help me with an alternative.  Staying away from homes with cats is not really an option for me.

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The best possible option in case of obvious or known allergies is to avoid the substance causing the allergic reactions.

Have you tried oral antihistamine or antiallergic medications?

Have they helped with your symptoms?

You need to review with your allergy specialist and talk to him/her whether a change of medication - including steroid nasal sprays and a short course of oral steroids would help in your case.

Let us know how you are doing and ifyou have any other doubts.

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try clariton oral, nasal crom and allaway(eyes)  or just try the clariton and alaway first and if needed add the nasalceom.  I have severe allergies to cats and dogs, pollen etc. and it works for me.
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How are you doing now? Have you tried any antihistamine or antiallergic medications as yet? Have they helped with your symptoms?

Have you found some way to avoid exposure to cats?

Also, talk to your doctor or allergy specialist about prescribing an epi-pen that you can carry and use in case of a sudden flare up of allergic reactions.

Let us know if you have any doubts and post us on what your doctor advises.

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Antihistimines make me extremely drowsy and dont seem to help all that much with my symptoms.  Unfortunately, most of my friends have cats, so they are more or less unavoidable.  I see my allergist in about a month, and I will talk with him about what you have all advised.  thanks a lot.
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You could try the newer non sedating antihistamine or antiallergic medications like loratadine.

Also, talk to your doctor or allergy specialist about prescribing an epi-pen that you can carry and use in case of a sudden flare up of allergic reactions especially since you mention that exposure to cats is unavoidable.

Let us know if you have any doubts and post us on what your doctor advises.


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