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Non itchy red bumps along with allergic rhinitis??

It seems the Doc was puzzled with few occasional rashes as he was confused whether this caused by the medication for allergy or something else.

What are these non itchy red bumps that initially appears flat and fades away in a weeks time,  
Mostly on forearms knuckle region and at times on face and feet.

What could be this???
2 Responses
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363281 tn?1714899967
Hello~I think seeing an allergist or dermatologist would be the best way to tell what is going on and what the bumps are, they are trained in in all sorts of allergies and skin disorders and their reactions. I would say they were a form of rash, but without any pictures or other info, I just don't know.

I think the reason no one is replying, they are like me, with just the amount of info you have given and no picture, we just don't know, plus none of us are doctors, and if your PCP is unsure, you can imagine how unsure we are.

I hope you can get the answers you are looking for. God bless you.
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Thanks indeed for the response.Now I don't have any on my arms or legs or even face. It appears very occasionally. Recently I have been under stress for some reason and started worrying about this.

I consulted a dermatologist, she was really unsure at first but then she diagnosed it as tiny erythematous papules and told they're harmless.
Maybe some sort of viral reaction due to ongoing allergies I have.

I was puzzled though. Now I don't have any.
Should I be worried about this rash that appears without fever or other symptoms??  
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Why is no one responding!??  Please reply people.
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