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PLEASE HELP!! Is it mold dangerous to me?

I've been having allergies for several years now and can't figure out what's causing it. One thing I do know is that it's something indoors because opening all the windows helps immensely and I have NO allergies whatsoever after 10 - 30 minutes of being outside (although I can notice a change within 2 minutes of stepping outside). My symptoms are mainly asthma and stuffy nose,  though headaches, itchy eyes and itchy throat as well as the resulting cough that accompanies it are also a problem. The allergies also get somewhat better when I have an air-conditioner on full blast. I also noticed the allergies get worse when i sit on a upholstered couch that was given to me second hand (and unfortunately I can't afford to get rid of). I take claritin 24 hour, pulmacort, abuterol and benadryl for allergies and asthma (the asthma is also cured within 10 - 30 minutes of stepping outside). All of my bedding except for my bedspread are dustmite proof. I’ve purchased 3 Hunter air purifiers and a Miele HEPA vacuum. Every inch of my small apartment (including the couch)  that could have dust mites was cleaned thoroughly. I’ve purchased a tanacetane spray (also known as tannic acid, which are very safe and supposedly very effective) and covered the carpet and upholstered furniture with it. However one thing that is a huge problem with me is medication compliance. Specifically I forget to take my medications 60% or more of the time because of a psychiatric disability. I take medications that impair my memory.

As far as the allergist goes, insurance doesn’t allow me to see anyone but one allergist who want’s be in and out of his office before I have a chance to ask any questions. I’ve done 2 allergy tests and they both came up negative so I’m not sure what to do at this point. I’m wondering if it’s mold now or what. Can someone let me know?
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Also: When I go to one other apartment the allergies also occur there.
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

Understand your predicament.
You could try to see, if its a water source, which is causing your allergic reactions. Also, sometimes food or certain medications can trigger a response. Maintain a food diary and note down and monitor your symptoms. This may help to narrow down the search.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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