4083315 tn?1376774337

Partial swelling of my right eye..............

Last night my right eye started to itch so I rubbed it.  A few minutes later, my eye started to swell up. It swelled about a quarter of the way.  I was still able to see.  My eye was red and watering.  I don't know what it was.

The swelling went down completely after about 3 hours.  It still itches from time to time but it is no longer red or watery.

I had dried tears on the outer skin around the eye but no pus.  I am getting over a really bad cold and I took Alka Seltzer Cold about 4 hours prior. Also, right before my eye started to itch, I was petting my dog.  I am allergic to pet dander and pollen.

Am I allergic to the Alka Seltzer or could it have been the dogs hair that made my eye itch and swell? There is a high pollen count in Florida at the moment so could it be pollen?

I have never had a problem with aspirin before and this is the first time my eye has become swollen like that and I have had allergies to pet dander and pollen for years.
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Hi, your symptoms could be due to allergic conjunctivitis. Itching and watering of the eyes are indicative of an allergic reaction. Allergens like you mentioned include pollen, mold, dust and pet dander. But it is difficult to tell what had triggered the response. It is possible to develop allergic reaction to substances, to which we did not exhibit a reaction before. We can develop allergies to different things throughout our lifetimes as the allergy develops in response to a repeated stimulus.  If you haven't undergone formal allergy testing, that might be beneficial. Consult an allergy specialist. Regards.
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All of those things happened to me this year. I went to a nutrition expert and am feeling much better now.
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