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Penicillin Alergy ?

I've dental work done in the past 3 weeks and I've been prescribed two antibiotics.
Zithromax took for 5 days as directed
One week later prescribed Amoxycillin 2x875mg twice daily for 7 days.

On the 4th day of the amoxy I woke up with hives mostly on arms neck and chest and a little red dwelling around lower left eye (lid swollen) (i stopped the amoxy)

I took Benedryl 1x25mg four times 4 hours apart. This seemed to greatly reduce the hives and some were completely gone by the end of the day.

This morning I woke up with hives in all different parts of my body (back of legs, forehead, bridge of nose, both right and left eylid were red and a little swollen, arms)

I'm assuming this is a reaction to the antibiotics taken so close in succesion although I've taken Zithromax before without any problem. To the best of my knowledge this is the first time i took a amoxycillin.

How long should this last and am i at risk of getting a more severe reaction now that i've stopped the amoxy.
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Most likely Amoxycillin,this may last around 3 weeks.Best avoided in the future penicillin group.
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As the hives have appeared after taking amoxicillin so it looks like you are allergic to the penicillin group of antibiotics. Pls consult your dental surgeon to switch over to other antibiotics like third generation cephalosporins.If your symptoms worsen as a result of allergic reaction to amoxycillin, then contact a doctor immediately. You may require epinephrine, intravenous steroids and oxygen.

I hope that helps. Please do keep me posted. Kind regards.

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