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throat irritation

hi, i am 23, female, healthy and haven't been sick in a long time. over the past month i have had a mild, dry cough, with some post nasal drip and recently, what seems like allergies. my doctor prescribed nasacor, and the cough has pretty much gone away, and i feel better. however, i have this strange sensation in the back of my throat. it feels almost like when i run and have a sensation that i need to cough, but dont. anyway, i am a vegetarian, and i eat a lot of soy products, i have also been reading up on mild asthma. i was wondering if this throat discomfort could be asthma, or possible a soy allergy, or is it just irritated for some allergic reason?...i do have 4 cats!
any reccomendations would be very helpful! thank you!
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Yes every thing that you've described I've had even the feeling at the back of my throat it turns out I had a serious condition. Not trying to scare you anyway the irritation started in my lungs when a small piece of my lung collapsed and unnesseary air went out where it wasent supposed to be and it went to my throat I'm not saying its that at all but just go to your doctor and if it still bothering you I'd suggest going back and to never if ignore what your body is telling you....on the other hand it might just be from your cats... sorry I'm not a professional
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hi. my name is sarah and recently i have been having this throat irritation. It feels fuzzy and uncomfortable as if there were a hairball. I have been having a slight cough although my main concern is my throat irritaion. I have tried gargling with salt water, amoxilyn capsules, listerine mouth wash and even vix losanges. If there is something i could do to prevent this uncomfortable sensation please let me know as soon a spossible.

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Hi there I wish we could somehow combine all of the issues that seem to possible be linked. But i guess that would get confusing.
I am sure you have done google searches and read the same things I have on this. I am wondering is your sensation also feel like you need to clear your throat or just cough? Does your throat get dry easier?
As you may see by my new post and some of my responses to others I have an issue like this with my throat aswell. Keep in touch. Maybe we can help each other out.
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