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Possible avocado allergy?

My son is seven months old and has been on soy formula since he was two weeks old due to a lactose sensitivity.  He does well on the soy formula.  Since we have started solid foor for him he has done well on everything we have given him and we have followed the three day for new foods rule.  Last week he began vomiting in the late afternoon and continued to do so for about the next 3 hours or so.  He could not keep anything down and was vomiting a lot of bile.  He also became lethargic and slightly dehydrated.  After about 5 hours he was able to keep a bottle down and he was pretty much back to normal and fine the next day.  Exactly a week later the same thing happened only slightly more severe with the vomiting.  The only thing that I can think that was the same on both those days was that he had avocado.. He has had avocado before (probably 2 or three times) with no reaction.  Everything else he ate on those days was normal stuff he eats daily.  Any ideas??
Oh and I did call his pediatrician and she said it sounded like a stomach bug that he might have been unlucky enough to catch twice...I doubt that.  She said that an allergy to avocado is very rare.
Sorry this is so long but if anyone can offer any insight into what may have caused this reaction I would appreciate it greatly!!
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746512 tn?1388807580
Remember just because something is very rare doesn't mean impossible.  I would avoid avocados for now and see if the symptoms disappear for a couple of months.  At some point you could try reintroducing (however there is always the risk of a severe reaction) and see if they come back.
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351246 tn?1379682132
Thanks for writing to the forum!
Well agreed the avocado sensitivity is rare, but not impossible. It should be looked into especially in light of his lactose sensitivity. Also test for other food sensitivities. It is not rare for a child to have two or more sensitivities at the same time.
Hope this helps. It is difficult to comment beyond this at this stage. Do consult your doctor. Please let me know if there is any thing else and do keep me posted. Take care!
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I ran across discussion regarding avocado sensitivities.  Years ago I enjoyed avocadoes.  Now I become very nauseated with vomiting after eating avocadoes.  Along about the same time I became lactose intolerant and similarly shrimp causes nauseau  What's similarity or cause
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