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Potential Shrimp Allergy

I'm a 26 year old female, with zero experience with allergies.  Two months ago, while eating shrimp at a Chinese restaurant, I felt intense burning in the back of my throat.  Buring/Pain I guess is the best way to describe it.  I felt really anxious all of a sudden, like I was going to die.  I didn't have the sensation that my throat was closing, and I could still breathe.  Regardless, I left the restaurant and went home.  Two nights ago, I was at another Chinese restaurant, and I ate two shrimp.A few minutes later, I got the same burning pain in my throat.  I began to drink lots of water.  My left eye got itchy, and without thinking I rubbed it.  My friend came back to our table to state that I looked 'really bad'.Upon going to the washroom, my left eye was now bright red, swollen and hurting.  I had some itchy blotches on my left side of the neck, and my throat was still burning.  Instead of going to the emergency, I decided that I would wait this out.  Its now Sunday and my throat feels like it does when you put something to hot in it, and you burn the roof of your mouth.My eye is fine, not swollen, not red.It does feel slightly irritated once in a while.  WHat I want to know is can this allergy have a second reaction that I've read about?  I spoke to a nurse on the phone who stated that anaphylaxis occurs after 1-2 hours after the reaction.  So, two days later is my throat going to suddenly close up?  I realize the seriousness of whatever is going on in my body, however I cannot see my doctor until February 19th.I'm anxious over this now, and I'm sure its not necessary!
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Stop eating shrimp! Go to allergy doctor to be tested.  As mine said, you might get away with it once or twice once you have become allergic to it or sensitized - but the next time will kill you.  It may be temporary - mine finally went away along with my allergy to eggs, potatoes, celery, strawberries, and shellfish. It took 10 years or more but as my immune situation improved - the allergies did also. However, they do crop back up.  I just stay away from shell fish as it is the most dangerous and of course like most people - shrimp was the only shellfish I really cared for. Don’t care for mussels, lobster, crab, or scallops but just adored chilled jumbo and fried shrimp.  But I had to let it go.    Also you need to know for sure if allergic due to any radiological testing (CT and MRI) where  they might need to inject you with an iodine based contrast solution from shellfish.  There have been severe and fatal reactions.  
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172715 tn?1285494490
Stop eating shrimp and watch out for like foods.  Have you tried taking Benadryl? It is an antihistamine but it also works on allergic reactions and helps you sleep.  You can get that or the store brand of it.  It comes in liquid form for kids and all kinds of pill type form for adults. It will make you very drowsie, so be careful if you're driving and stuff.  You will find it with the allergy and cold medicines in most stores. Not everyone has the exact same allergic reactions to things but I can tell you that if you truely are allergic to the shrimp or the seasoning on it;you will have a worse reaction every time you do eat it until it gets to the point of rushing you to the hospital.  I wouldn't take the chance if I were you. Try gargaling with warm salt water a few times a day to get rid of that burning throat or try it with listerine. It can' make it worse. Just for the knowledge of what could be the problem,call both chinese restaurants to find out if they use the same ingredients on the shrimp that you ate.  It may well be a hot seasoning that you are very sensitive to and should avoid. You probably could skip the doctor appt. if that was the problem. (unless you still feel bad of course) Good Luck
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Great point on chinese food but also Thai or any of the Asian foods due to their use of overwhelming use of fish sauce plus they use shrimp, crab and even lobster in many dishes and with the fish and other sauces  - you might not know what else is in them.  May also want to stay away from iodized salt until you check with doctor.  I don’t know for sure but I do know when you get MRI or CT (with contrast ordered) they ask if you are allergic to shellfish due to iodine based contrast solutions.  I know many brands of salts have iodine added to help prevent goiter so I just use Kosher which is iodine free.  I don’t believe sea salt has iodine added either.  

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