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badly swollen face itchy rash scratchy throat

hi i have a badly swollen face especially under the eyes-can hardly see my eyes. my skin is red and itchy and oozes. my throat is scratchy. i am in mexico for 6 weeks and developed this suddenly in the first week. i don't know what to do and am in severe pain. i am worried that it is chagas disease but the head of research says no. (i am at a biological reserve in jalisco, as my husband is on sabbatical). could you tell me what it is? i had fish ceviche the day it happened but am not allergic. i am prone to dermatitis and eczema though and often get rashes but never swollen.i used a sunscreen that day also. the outside corners of my eye area hurt. please help, thanks!
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P.S. --- Is there a health care clinic near by that you can go to ?
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I know someone who had fish and broke out in hives the next day. Can you call your physician and see if it is okay to take Benadryl ? It sounds like a severe allergic reaction.

Usually people, to my understanding, who have Chaga's disease will have a fever and/or other symptoms.
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