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Pulsatile Tinnitus

I hear my heartbeat in one ear and somedays is not bad but some days it is super bad....liek today.  it's somewhat clogged now, and I feel like the constant sound is causing me a headache.  The ENT told me I have to just live with it because my CT and Eye doc appot (checked for pressure behind my eyes) came back fine.  Is there another doctor I should see?  Can this have anythign to do with my tight neck muscles?  Any relief suggestions?
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I had a really bad ear infection in my right ear, and I could hear my heartbeat in that ear.  It was really annoying and was constant for about a year.  It's not constant anymore.  The only time I hear it is when my eustachian tubes get blocked.  As soon as the blockage goes away, I stop hearing it.  I saw an ENT doctor, and they did some tests, all of which came back normal.  Even though I'm an adult, they said that it might be a good idea to put tubes in my ears to prevent my eustachian tubes from getting blocked all the time.  It turns out that the blockages were mostly caused by allergies, and now that I'm getting allergy shots, it doesn't happen very often.  Thus, no need for tubes in my ears.  Even though the ENT doctor didn't have an explanation for me, they did assure me that nothing was wrong with me.  That being the case, I'm not too concerned about it, and I've learned to live with it when it happens.  I know it can be hard to do, but if you don't fixate on the sound of your heart beating, it doesn't seem quite as loud.  I don't know how long you've been hearing it, but hopefully it's time-limited and just goes away on its own.

Good luck.
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Thank you sooooo much for replying to my post.  I had to take an antibiotic for an ear infection 2 years ago, which I did not know I even had an ear infection.  After I finished the meds, I was left with this pulsatile tinnitus, but it was not often and not as loud.  It has been two years and I feel like it has gotten worse, but I live in Chicago and the weather here is super indecisive.  It is 90 in the day and 50 at night.  I was told by an EMT friend that it might be sinuses, allergies, or an ear infection.  How do I know which, or if, it is any of those?And also, which doctor do I see to check for those?  I am so confused because anyone I talk to directs me to a different doctore: chiropractor, orthopedic, neurologist, general practitioner, physiotrist, ENT, ugh!  

When you said you had an ear infection for a year who did you go see?  Were you on meds?  After the meds you still have the sound on and off?  How did you know you needed allergy shots?  

My ENT reassured me too that it is not serious, even though all research I do says that it is due to a serious underlying (probably vascular) reason.  I also have anxiety, which makes both the sound and the anxiety worse when it happens.  It is hard to not focus on my medical fears when you have this constant reminder in your ear/head revealing how fast your heartbeat is going!  

Thank you so much for sharing your story with me, because anyone I talk to looks at me like I am crazy, because they have never heard of this before...my dad even thinks it's all in my head (no pun intended).  
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You may want to be evaluated for atypical migraine. It can cause a lot of ENT symptoms that are actually cause by migraine-related issues. Take care!
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I have been struggling with high blood pressure for some time now (I have a valve that sticks and pushes the pressure up)  When it is really high I can hear my pulse when I lay down at night,  Go to your regular Doctor and let him decide who you should see.  It is his job to refer you to the correct person to get you the help you need.
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