942934 tn?1268108382

RE: is it CF, asthm or what?

To I love trees,
I'm happy to see that i'm not the only who''s lungs function this way. I'm 39 years old, also with a life long history of asthma, sinus infections (3 sinus surgeries), lung infections. Lungs that have a tendency to fill up with mucous. My latest bacterial lung infection started out from excess mucous rattling in my lungs and has taken more then 7 weeks to just get back on top (with no mucous rattling in my lungs), thanks to 5 weeks of prednisone. I too take high does steroid inhalers and have trouble staying out of the yellow zone. My respirologist seems to think that simply adding more steroid is the answer. I also have had digestive issues for most of my life. My family doc I think is suspicious of my asthma diagnosis and keeps sending to different respirologists. The first one told me I had a very tiny amount of asthma, but I must stay on my high dose steroid inhaler, as the consequences were to great if I were to go off. So what do I have then? Saw a second one at the Pacific Lung Centre here in Vancouver, BC., and she decided I have asthma with no further tests. I do have some allergies, but I don't have the diurnal variations that many asthmatics have. Now she's sending me for more tests to try and figure out why I produce all that mucous. Like you, I have thought about adult onset cystic fibrosis as an alternate diagnosis. I'm not sure if I should suggest anything to the specialist, or just continue letting the doc do her thing...

This discussion is related to Is this CF, Asthma, or Who Knows What.
2 Responses
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351246 tn?1379682132
Thanks for writing to the forum!
Bronchiectasis too can be an alternate diagnosis along with cystic fibrosis. Along with all the tests of obstructive lung disease a CT scan of lungs should also be done.
Please let me know if there is any thing else and do keep me posted. Take care!

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942934 tn?1268108382

Just an update. I have been steadily under the care of my respirologist. She tested me for GERD and for any allergies that are not known. And I came out fine. But I was confused, because this last time I visited her, she asked how my "bronchitis" was doing? I thought you either have acute bronchitis, which I experienced about 4 months ago, or you have chronic bronchitis, which only smokers have. I agree that I still have problems with cough and excess mucous (though it doesn't rattle in my chest). However I have found that if I don't drink enough or have enough puffers I feel tight/congested in my chest. And I do find that I cough up more mucous when on a lower inhaler dose. She changed my inhalers to Pulmicort 400ug X 4puffs/day and Oxeze 12ug x 2 puffs/day plus an additional puff midday, because I was finding the effects of the inhaler was wearing off. Also my peak flow readings have still not fully recovered from before. My best peak flow was 500, and I could easily be over 450. Now I find that it sits around 380 to 430 most days and on very good days I can reach a maximum of 500. Will this improve eventually? I haven't asked about a CT scan yet. I'm really not how to approach her on that one. I get the feeling she is playing it by ear for now to see what my lungs do next. Actually the next time I see her in two months, I do another pulmonary function test.
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