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Smoke Smell

I have constant smoke smell in my nostrils and I do not smoke nor be around anyone that smokes.  What is wrong with me?
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Several things can cause one to smell smoke when it is not there.  The first is a sinus infection, other things include some sort of growth or phantosmia (phantom smells).  You really need to see a dr to get a good evaluation and diagnosis.  

Hoping it is just a sinus infection.
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, as discussed in the previous forum, smoky or such strange smell can be present in certain conditions and it is termed as Parosmia (abhorrent odor perception).

It is usually associated with rhinosinusitis, head trauma, viral infection, or oral problems.

It frequently disappears with successful treatment of the above mentioned conditions.

Apart from treatment of the cause or in conditions wherein the cause remains unknown, in such conditions Anti seizure or anti epileptic medication like clonazepam against prescription is sometimes helpful esp. in persistent cases.

You can use scented wax or incense sticks before sleeping. You also need to maintain good sleep hygiene.

I suggest you to consult physician to rule out the cause. Take care and regards.
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Hi...I was able to solve my issue and hope this will help at least some of you!
I had persistent smoke smell issues for 9 months - drove me crazy - very hard to share this problem with others as well. I tried everything.
Then at one point I was able to link it to the days/times I work in the garden. This became the critical factor because 1. we had overly fertilized, sprayed anti fundal/growth medicines since the lawn was in problems 2. i enjoy working with my hands in the soil, close to the ground level. This strong chemical (which I was NOT smelling as I was working) was the trigger for my nose to go into overdrive. Like any allergic reactions, there are triggers and since I was able to isolate mine, stay away from it, I was able to stop my phantosomia. What a relief!
And after yet another 6 months and rains, I was able to go out in the garden (tentatively at first!) and found that I could work again - presumably the chemicals got washed off.
Please try to think about where your nose might be getting an adverse trigger, as one of the causes. Hope this helps!
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