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Same Problem

I have posted another question about chest related to the previous post about sinus and i did that by mistake. My question is related to the previous question since i am facing exactly the same problem like foggy mind and lightness in head in addition to not being able to memories and concentrate. already made Sinus X-Ray and it was saying that my sinus is looking hazy, what does this mean medically? Can sinus cause not to concentrate and feeling dizzy in addition to some symptoms like non regular heart beats with numbness in left hand and head in addition to feeling to vomite and feeling hot then cold i had one time that my left eye was showing blured sight.

I have visited eyes doctor and i had diversion in focus 75 and 90 degrees with decrease in sight with 5 degrees for each eye. Nerve doctor checked me and gave me Xanax and other medicine for depression!!!. I visited genral doctor and he found out that i have problem in chest like exaggerating marks in low part and hazy sinus and he forwarded me to heart doctor who made ECG for me and found out that i have no problem. Yesterday i have just started my session with psychology therapist and still to be waiting to understand if i am facing some psychological case in future sessions.

What i am passing through is really confusing...

Please any doctor can help with this would appreciate it...

Best Regards

This discussion is related to sinus pressure, hazy vision, anxiety, vertigo, tinnitus.
2 Responses
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Thanks a lot doctor for your reply i do appreciate it...

Well two days ago i went to my sinus doctor... I have shown him my X-ray and he told me that Hazy in sinus is not always for infection it can be and it is in my case allergy as you have mentioned, but for other symptoms he told me that it is either one of two (Central problem in brain will need MRI scan, or psychological problem). I will go for MRI for my brain in the coming days.

For GERD and cervical spondylitis  shall i see general and bone doctor?

Note: When the attack happen to me i am feeling fatigue and down like all my nerves are down...

Appreciate your help

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351246 tn?1379682132
Thanks for writing to the forum!
Hazy sinus is an indication of sinusitis or it could be that the film did not develop properly.
Yes, sinusitis can be very debilitating for some in that it hampers their day to day activities because they cannot concentrate. Refractive errors too can cause dizziness. This has been corrected in your case.
There are two other things which you should rule out. One is severe acitdity or maybe GERD. The other is cervical spondylitis which along with dizziness can cause ‘numbness in left hand’. Irregular heart beats can be caught on ECG or 24 hour holter.

Anxiety, depression and other psychological problems too can produce these symptoms.

Hope this helps. It is difficult to comment beyond this at this stage. Please consult your specialist regarding this. Please let me know if there is any thing else and do keep me posted. Take care!
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