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I have a rash on my chest that won't go away, it has been there for at least two years. Any ideas?
2 Responses
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, your skin manifestations needs a detailed evaluation. Your symptoms are suggestive of erythema multiforme which is circular rashes. It is mainly seen in infections due to viral infections (herpes) and can also be seen with bacterial infections. But it can also be seen with certain medications, if you are taking.

Certain drugs like NSAIDs, Sulfonamides, anti diabetics etc., Infections like Epstein-Barr virus, Herpes, Salmonella sp, Staphylococcus sp etc. are known causes. Even Physical factors like Sunlight and X-ray therapy are other factors.

Such symptoms can also be seen in certain bleeding diasthesis or can be secondary to allergy.

You need to undergo complete blood counts, Prothrombin time, bleeding time, serological tests to rule out for any suspected infection. In 50 % patients cause remains unknown. I suggest you to consult physician/dermatologist. Take care and regards.

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1496064 tn?1290643968
What does the rash look like? Have you gone to the doctor? Tried any creams??
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