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Severe hay fever or something else?

I have always had bad hay fever. A walk outside for 10 minutes in any season means constant sneezing and an itchy throat and eyes.

However, this last year, it has gotten even worse. My eyes have been swelling up to the point that my eyes have blurry vision, and just today for the first time, my inner lip swelled up and I started coughing and finding it hard to breathe. I did not eat anything, it began as hay fever does, build up of itchy eyes and throat and right after I walked from work to the shops.

I have been to numerous doctors and they all have told me to take various antihistamines to not much effect. I tell them how severe it gets and they just say 'mine too'. I have never seen anyone with hay fever experience it like this and it is worrying me.

If anyone who has experienced hay fever like this could post below or anyone who knows what this may be, it would be very very appreciated as this is affecting my daily life now.

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Helo natachoop if u r 2 get betr u mus eat ur grens errday liv longe n propsper gl m8 no scope 420 dank
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Hello Natachu,

Welcome to the allergy forum. I see you joined Med help recently.
Just wondering if a doctor or allergist has confirmed the hay fever diagnosis or did you come up with this.  The reason I say it this way is this.
Have you ever been to see an allergist ?  Based on your comments, you are having really severe what appear to be allergic reactions i.e. blurry vision, inner lip swelled, coughing and difficulty breathing.  You need to know what you are allergic too so you can avoid these things as much as possible.
Where I live, in order to see an allergist, you have to get a referral from your family doctor.  I had a skin allergy test many years ago administered by an allergist that my doctor at that time referred me to.  At least if you were to see an allergist and get a skin allergic test ( I think that's what they call it )
you can find out what you are allergic too. Hay fever as far as I know involves pollen in the air.  One ( I'm using the universal word one ) can also be allergic to grass pollen.  That's one of the things I am allergic to.
Anyway, think about my suggestion of asking your family doctor for a referral to an allergist. Also try and keep your windows in your home closed during the day as pollens can come into your home during the day.
Some people are allergic to house dust or dust in general. I remember about a month ago, we had finished vacuuming the downstairs of our house.
We have a fairly old model of a vacuum cleaner. One that has bags inside it that need to be changed from time to time. Anyway, I accidently breathed in some of the dust from the vacuum cleaner and went into a coughing fit. I actually had to use my asthma inhaler. I told my husband that from now on he is in charge of changing the bag in the vacuum cleaner . I would strongly recommend getting an allergy skin test asap. I have a feeling you will find you do not just have hay fever. I hope my suggestions have been helpful.
As far as I know an allergist can also give you blood tests to determine if you have any food allergies.  I'm not saying you are, but some people are allergic to wheat products, gluten etc.  If someone who is allergic to these things eats them, it causes inflammation.  Take good care, Eve.
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