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Sinus pressure, dizziness, blurred vision, post nasal drip

Hi, I'm a 31 year old male who has been suffering from sinus issues for over 15 years. In the past 3 or so years they have gotten much worse. I get the following symptoms at least 3-4 or even 5 times a year.

Extreme dizziness, especially when standing and walking. Bending over to pick something up is horrible.
Pressure behind my eyes which leads to blurred vision and trouble focusing. These two of the symptoms are the worst to deal with.
Constant post nasal drip.
Constant miserable feeling when I have the first two symptoms.
Memory and ability to think clearly is greatly diminished.
Minor dull headaches behind the eyes and forehead.

What I've tried to make me feel better...
Advil cold and sinus (This is the only thing that provides any relief, but not enough.)
netipot and other sinus rinse solutions. Provides temp relief but only a couple of hours if any.
Claritan, zyrtec, doesn't seem to do do anything
Alchohol, I don't drink all week but when I have a few beers on the weekend it seems to help.

This has been an ongoing problem for so long I have kind of given up and just try to live with it. This year though it's especially worse and it's effecting my relationship with my wife and with people at work. Does anyone have similar issues that found a cure?
4 Responses
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Have you tried some of the prescription nasal steroid sprays? Rhinocort and Nasocort. You spray them in your nose once a day ... after using it for about a week - 10 days you should see considerable difference. I started using it a few years ago, and it made a big difference for my sinus issues.
Good Luck and Feel Better.
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You don't mention if you have been to an ENT (ear, nose throat specialist), to find out more about your symptoms.  Take a look at the postings under 'Horrible sinus pressure, etc. sent in by 'Spoonybard' in this allergy section.  You'll notice everything you have mentioned points to what so many of us are suffering with.  Have you checked to see if it's a sinus infection? One of the posts that I found very informative because I have had sinus problems for many, many years is that when a scan is done of the sinuses, it doesn't always show all the sinus areas, particularly the sphenoid sinus area, which causes behind eye pain, dizziness, blurred vision, etc., when they are chronically infected/clogged.  As a matter of fact, I'm going to the ENT today to have that area specifically checked, because, like you, all the other meds have not helped. My memory is diminished also, as well as headaches every day for the last six months, especially behind my right eye. A post by someone pointing out these same symptoms and eventually having sphenoid sinus surgery has given me hope that maybe that has been my problem all along and previous scans of my sinus area couldn't see the sphenoid area to clue the doc in on what was hurting me.  Might be worth a check for you too, or at least check for sinus infection.  Please read the posts that I mentioned, they're  very imformative.  
Hope you feel better!
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I'm wondering what ever became of you sphenoid sinus problem?  I am going through the same thing.  They keep telling me that they don't see anything on the CT scans, or when they use the scope to look around.  I can't "smell" the infection, my vision is blurry, and I'm foggy headed and getting really, really grouchy.  Hope to hear!
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Did any of you get any relief? I'm having terrible blurry and head pressure and its daily now. I can't concentrate I don't feel like myself at all! Dr sent me to allergist which was a waste of time. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!!
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I am suffering terribly this year. Worse year ever...on top of all your same symptoms I also have gotten vertigo 3 times now. Been to ENT...says migraine induced.  It's affecting my job. I'm going to neurologist on Tuesday.
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