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Smelling Wood Smoke, not Cigaretter smoke anyone?

I've been reading through what sounds very similiar to what I experience. I have been, for years, smelling wood smoke. (there is nobody near us with fireplaces since we live in a new subdivision) It drives me nuts and my family nuts. It burns my nose and dry's it out. Make's it impossible to sleep. I'm starting to wonder if some of my other odd symptoms are related.

They are:
attacks with not being able to swallow...
pinching headaches...
itchy ear...feels like i have a critter inside. drives me insane. woke up with the sensation the other night and actually had pink tinged blood on my Q-tip when i itched inside my ear.
dry heavy tired feeling eyes,
itchy scalp that feels like I have hives. Bumps that itch then burn when I scratch. (No dandruff or crusty stuff)

I was also told by the doctor that I have allergies because he saw cobblestoning in my throat. I have to admit that i didn't believe him......that i just figured "allergies" is the new answer all since i have been hearing so many people getting diagnosed with them and then feeling the same disbelief as me .....like asthma was a decade ago.

If anyone has a similiar situation, where you diagnosed with allergies?
Most grateful!
2 Responses
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1530171 tn?1448129593

Your Dysosmia ( Phantosmia or Parosmia) as it's called in medical terms, may have
a very strong Emotional basis along with the Allergic component.
An advanced Energy Medicine Practitioner with training in Allergy Elimination
might be able to help you with this. By Allergy I refer to any Sensitivity, Reaction or Allergy.
Through Muscle Testing the Practitioner can verify the offending substances ( by process of elimination) and clear them through Energy re-balancing. At the same time treat the Emotional distress. This work is very intuitive, holistic and totally non-invasive.
The key is to find the right kind of practitioner.
For practitioners in your area you could contact Sandi Radomski, Naturopathic Doctor and Energy Psychotherapist, creator of the "Allergy Antidotes" -Allergy Elimination system.
She's trained thousands worldwide ( I'm one of them from Canada) .

Hopefully you will be able to "collapse"  not only your Dysosmia but all of your other symptoms as well. It actually happens like that a lot. You treat the main issue- physical or emotional-  and all the other symptoms start fading away!

I don't want to create any false hope, but please do your own research first.

Hopefully this helps.


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563773 tn?1374246539
It can be due to parosmia.  It is hypothesized that URTIs (upper respiratory tract infections) can result in parosmia because of damage to olfactory receptors. Exposure to harmful solvents has also been linked to parosmia. It is usually associated with rhinosinusitis, head trauma, viral infection, or oral problems.

It frequently disappears with successful treatment of the above mentioned conditions. For this you need to get an examination done from an ENT specialist.

Apart from treatment of the cause or in conditions wherein the cause remains unknown, in such conditions Anti seizure or anti epileptic medication like clonazepam against prescription is sometimes helpful esp. in persistent cases.
It is very difficult to precisely confirm a diagnosis without examination and investigations and the answer is based on the medical information provided. For exact diagnosis, you are requested to consult your doctor. I sincerely hope that helps. Take care and please do keep me posted on how you are doing.

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