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Persistent Tickly Cough

I have had a tickly persistent now for 20 + years. I have it all the year round and it is getting worse and I also have post nasal drip and itchiness mainly round my trunk. I have had numerous tests done at the hospital arranged by my GP and everything has come back clear.
I have not had any allergy testing done my GP says he doesn't think it is necessary but this is ruining my life.
I suffer from AF and the coughing fits which can sometimes last up to half an hour are setting my heart racing.
Could you please advise me of what my condition might be.
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Hi there,

I just read your comments. You say you suffer from AF. What is this ?
You say your GP doesn't think allergy testing is necessary. I think maybe
it's time for allergy testing. Out of curiosity, how long have you had your
GP ? Just wondering. You could ask your GP for a referral to an allergist.
If you are allergic to a particular thing, this can cause coughing , for
example house dust in your lungs, sometimes perfume can cause coughing.
I have asthma. Before I was diagnosed with asthma, I had what I can only
refer to as horrible bouts of coughing. It would start with a sort of choking
feeling in my throat and then I would start coughing and coughing for minutes at a time.  I'm a retired educator and I was listening to a speaker
in an auditorium.  Suddenly out of nowhere, I got that choking feeling and
started coughing so hard tears were coming down my face. I had to go
to the women's washroom and I continued to cough so hard. That incident
really scared me. I went to my doctor at the time. She gave me an asthma
test and my asthma was confirmed more than 20 years ago now , I think.
My doctor at that time also gave me a referral to an allergist for an allergy
test to also see if I had an allergies. I do have allergies too on top of the
asthma.  I am allergic to house dust or dust of any kind. This includes chalk
dust. I also have a severe allergy to June grass, actually the pollen in June
grass.  Perhaps you would benefit from an allergy test as well. Do you have
pets by any chance ?  You may be allergic to pet dander. Only an allergy
test would confirm that.  There are also allergy shots you can get from your
doctor should you be allergic to certain things. Anyway, I hope something
I've shared with you , may be helpful for you. I am , of course, not a doctor
so this isn't professional medical advice. Wish you the best.  Eve
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Thank you for your advise I am certainly going to insist on allergy testing. I have been tested for Asthma and that has been ruled out. The bouts of coughing I get are as you describe and last for minutes at a time sometimes longer. We have no pets now we did have a dog but I had the cough before I got her she has been gone now 18 months and I haven't had any improvement since she died. AF is Atrial Fibrilation which is a rapid heartbeat which can be very serious if not treated with medication and the coughing triggers it off which is worrying.
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Hi Magspoll,

You're very welcome. I found the results of the allergy testing extremely
helpful. At least I knew then what things I was allergic to. Apparently I
learned that allergies can be hereditary, so if either of your parents have
allergies there's a good chance you may have the same ones. I have
two of the same allergies my dad had. Coincidence? I don't think so.
Thank you for telling me what AF is. My condolences on the loss of your
dog. I hope you get some answers soon. Take good care,  Eve.
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612551 tn?1450022175
Is your "problem" getting allergy testing a matter of UK government management?  Here in the USA most of the insurance plans and even Medicare for us old folks allows us to go to a specialist without any GP referral.  Unfortunately it appears the USA is headed in the direction of Europe as far as government managed medical care is concerned.

I too suffer form AFib (that's the way I abbreviate it) and I hang out around the Community because I suffer from chronic nasal night-time nasal congestion. I have never been tested for allergies, reading this thread I wonder if I should.  My GP (Primary Care) doesn't see any infection as the source of my nasal problem, but I don't need his referral, I just haven't done it.  I think a Ears-Nose-and Throat may be my best choice of specialists, but I haven't done that either.  Have you been examined by a ENT?
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Hi yes I have been examined by ENT specialist and they said I had Rhinitis which is lika Post Nasal Drip and they have said that is the cause of the cough but I am not convinced.
The trouble seems to come from my throat but I have had the camera up my nose and put down into my throat and that revealed nothing other than the redness from constant coughing.
I have had a Bronchocopy where they put a camera into your lungs while under Anaesthetic and that was clear.
I have had Acid Reflux test and It is not that I am at my wits end because the cough is becoming more Chronic and is causing me to have AF attacks.
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