1211508 tn?1343079605

Stuffed up/Sore throat every couple weeks. Allegies?

For the past 2 or 3 years it seems I cannot go more than a couple weeks before having what feels like a sick day--minor stuffiness and sore throat.  I just thought I was either getting a lot of colds and/or not ever really getting rid of per-exisisting colds.  But can a person really get sick that often?  Then I began to consider allergies as the reason.  I never thought of it before because all my life I have never had any issues with allergies whatsoever.  I'm 40 now.  I have 4 indoor cats, and I live in a 3 bedroom house in the San Jose, CA area.  I have lived with cats for years and never had problems with them before.  And I don't get watery eyed or sneezy ever around them, so I highly doubt they are the cause.  

Any thoughts?

I'd appreciate any feedback.

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Jerry_NJ has a gives a good recommendation in regards to allergy testing.  Be warned that allergy testing is just a panel of local allergens and common indoor allergens, so it doesn't include all the things to which you might be allergic.  So, looking at all aspects of your life is a good idea, as Jerry_NJ mentioned.

Good luck.
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612551 tn?1450022175
Well 40 is way to young to be your body is just worn out :  )  So allergy is a possibility.

Given the symptoms are not constant, I assume the cats are not the problem source.

If the symptoms crop up on a periodic basis I'd look for some activity, environmental, food that "maps" to the period of the symptom.  By environmental I mean everything, flowers, trees, gym, visit to the country side, .... and food includes drink but dairy, nuts, grains, protein, shell fish, .are some of the more likely problem areas.  I can't list all, as it is all, but your search can progress by elimination.  

Of course you can go to a allergist doctor and get the series of tests, check on you insurance first.

If an alergy it may be a tough time finding what the problems are, but again being you have periodic (time) symptoms look real closely at what you were doing in the few days before the symptoms occur.
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