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Sudden onset (seasonal?) allergies?

I've never had allergies of any kind. Then I noticed my nose was runny sometimes. Sneezing some. Nothing alarming. Then I woke up and was having trouble swallowing - felt like something was stuck in my throat. Doc said there was tons of drainage - the diagnosis: allergies.
I started zyrtec and flonase, and got a HEPA air purifier. I've had that for about 2 weeks. Annnd now I've developed ear infections in BOTH ears due to the allergies, even taking all that and with the filter. I don't know what else to do. Trying to get on a list to see an allergist to be tested and find out what I'm allergic to, but the wait list is likely long. These ear infections have been awful and the doc said they were "really, really bad". They really knocked me on my butt. I can't keep having this happen.
Even with everything I've done/taken, the symptoms have only mildly improved - maybe 30% with the zyrtec, flonase, and filter combined. I never stop feeling the drainage down the back of my throat. It just never stops, ever.

What should I do? What CAN I do?!
2 Responses
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FYI the biggest improvement from the zyrtec/flonase is the itching has almost stopped. There when it got bad, I was breaking out in hives randomly and itching all over. That has mostly stopped as long as I take the medicine. The other things....not so much. Except the sneezing has stopped.
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Daily dosing of Zyrtec can cause ear/sinus infections. I get sinus infections every time I have to take it for more than 5-6 days in a row for unknown reasons. Try actual Sudafed (the kind you have to sign for through the pharmacy) not the PE crap on the shelf. There is no better allergy medication than that. Hands down!
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Zyrtec cannot cause ear/sinus infections.  Ear/sinus infections are caused by either bacteria, a virus, or a fungus.  Sudafed (pseudoephedrine) can help with allergies in some people, as it's a powerful decongestant, but it won't work for everyone.  I've double-dosed on Sudafed before to try to alleviate severe nasal congestion, but it had absolutely no.effect.
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