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Topamax and Allergy medications

Hello! I am currently taking Topamax (I was taking 50mg, now I'm taking 25mg) for my migraines and I have had one doctor and one pharmacist tell me that I should not take allergy medications with Topamax because there would be adverse side effects. Is this true and if it is, is there something I can do for my allergies?
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My 12 y/o was recently diagnosed with migraines and is on 50mg Topiramate (2 - 25mg daily). She has taken OTC Zyrtec or Claritin for years.  We were told by her neurologist that she could continue the OTC allergy meds.  On New Years Day, she awoke in agony and had a swollen neck with bulging on the left side.  We went to the ER and (after 7 hours and numerous tests and xrays) were told that she had a side effect from the interaction of these two meds. A dystonic reaction where her neck muscle is in continuous spasms. We've now stopped the OTC allergy meds and have a scheduled appointment this afternoon to follow-up.
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I take topamax 100 mg, Zyrtec 10 mg,Trileptal 600mg, plus Benedryl everynight and I am still alive. All of my medicine says "may cause"  but I never get sleepy.  I am one of those types of people that could stay up for days!
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I'd think your Dr would help you alittle more. By the way,
in June, FDA gave ok to a generic Topamax you should be asking
abt to save some $. As far as a allergy med, many are sedating
& would also help migraines but so is Topamax to some. Zyrtec is
a 1 a day time release rx w/ little affects w/ other rx's. It
isn't sedating yet they all say 'may cause'. Unless you have
severe blood pressure problem & on meds for that. Ask Dr abt
some samples of Zyrtec. Most ENT's have them or I think there's
a online sample request if Dr signs a script to release. Not
sure how it works but ask Dr & ck out Zyrtec's site by google?
Your allergies may be causing you more hdaches. I've taken
many types of pain meds w/ Zyrtec w/ no problems. Keep in mind,
this isn't always affective rx for everyone & it's a trial by
sneeze or whatever you have. Gd-luck
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