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Wasp Sting

I was stung on my hand by a wasp Wednesday.  It really hurt the first day.I has some over the counter Benadyl, which took and it seem to help. This morning when I got up it was swollen and it was itching like crazy.  I went to my doctor and the gave me a
cortizone shot. I did help for a while, but later the evening
it started itchin rel bad a gain.  i have tired benadryl cream on the sting and taking the benadryl tablets.  What else can I do I can't sleep for the itching?
4 Responses
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Try putting some real (not imitation) vanilla on a cotton ball and tape / hold it on the area of the sting.  For some reason it significantly reduces the pain and the swelling as well as nerve irritation within seconds.  It can be repeatedfor further symptom reduction.
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my partner was stung by a wasp last week, it is spreading readness nad tenderness now and she has developed flu like symptoms...is this something we should see a doctor about?
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144586 tn?1284666164
Crushed aspirin will not work. A paste of monosodium glumatate (sold as accent) will relieve itching.
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If you aren't allergic to aspirin you can chew one up or crush it up and mix it with a little water to make a thick paste, then cover the bite and it will help draw out the poison and relieve the pain, itching and swelling.  Also baking soda works great, I have used it on my son.  Just make a thick paste like mud and put it on and let it dry up real good.  I have also used the aspirin thing on myself right after I was stung by a hornet.  Good luck!
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