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What Do I Do?

Hey there,
I am 19 years old. I am allergic to cats, dogs (and pretty much all furred animals), dust, dust mites, feathers, aerosol sprays, perfumes, any small particle stuff like that. I also get wheezy when I exercize. I heard that some hidden symptoms of allergies can be depression, diarehha, frequent urination and other symptoms I have been experiencing. I don't know whether I should treat those things separately or try to figure out if it's allergies first. How do I go about doing that? What sort of drugs are there out there for me? I have found Reactin to be useless, as well as a lot of other store brand allergy "relief" drugs. Can my allergies get worse if I don't treat them? What are the consequens of that?
I'm always congested. Help!
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Hi.. check out watercure2.org or www.watercure.com. It's a very good site... i have been doing the watercure and it has really helped with alleriges/breathing problems during excercise, etc. I have had the same problem with the dust, aerosol sprays, excercise, etc. I just did this and didn't take any of the allergy meds.

Hope this helps!
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With the symptoms that you describe, you should schedule an appointment with your doctor at the earliest and not try to treat yourself.

Talk to your doctor whether you would need to see an allergy specialist too.

You would need to take oral antihistamine medications or antiallergic medications and maybe a course of steroids for your symptoms. You should try to avoid all substances that you are allergic to. You would also need to get certain blood tests done.

Let us know what your doctor advises and keep us posted if you have any doubts.

Hope this helps.

Good luck.
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