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What could we do to air conditioning allergy

Hello Dears,

First of all, I am from Scandinavia so English is not my native but I hope you are still able to read my story.

I have been having some allergic symptoms in certain office buildings. I have a lot of common allergies, such as dust, strong chemicals, pollen, animals etc. But these symptoms which I get in certain office buildings  certainly differ from normal allergy and antihistamins are not efficient to them.

My symptoms: they begin after 30min-2hours, very dry and sticky eyes, dry nose, nose almost bleeding, dry and sore throath, sore bronciali, difficult to breath, flu-like symptoms, funny feeling in the head like brains were not working properly, difficult to concentrate, weird cough. After 2 to 3 days when not in these buildings symptoms completely gone.

At first I thought it was mold which causes this. But I have been studying a lot about it and it is not mold. It is an air conditioning.
Especially when the space is small and low, so the blowers are too close. When it is a bigger and higher place, no symptoms usually. Sometimes also then symptoms, if the AC is very strong.

I have found no medical cure to this. And I have tried almost everything from medication to acupuncture and ayurverda. Only thing that helps some amount is DUACT, which is antihistamin+pseudoefedrin and it reduces the swelling of mucous. So it helps breathing and reduces pain in bronciolis. But it does not help properly, but it makes beeing somewhat more reasonable.

So, my country is SO small that I really had to start to find some info in English and luckily I found at least some people who are also suffering from this.

I have to say that this really affects my career. I have been forced to change working places quite often, because of this. And now again I am in the difficult situation.

And of course when it is just a problem of very few, no one cares. Doctors don`t care and can`t help. People are angry at work places if I complain something like this. You know the additude.

I am also quite desperate. But I am lucky in that sense that I am usually fine in restaurants, cafes, airplanes, cars etc. But can I use them in the future if I can not work?  ;)

How is it going with Your work life?
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I am faced with vague symptoms immediately after switching on the split ac in my office cabin.

My sumptoms : within about 15-20 mins after the ac is switched on i feel a kind of heaviness in the air. This is followed by heaviness around the eyes, dizziness in the head as if the brain is going slow or not working. Also there is gradual increasing deposition of a foul taste on the tongue and the throat. This continues and actually grows after leaving the ac cabin and moving in ambient temperature environments. Earlier this used to subside overnight but nowadays is taking longer to subside.

Please give your valuable diagnosis and comments.
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I have the same problem.  I have been diagnosed as being allergic to dogs, mold and dust.  So I have to stay away from my dogs as much as possible as well as keeping our house as dust free and mold free as possible.  I have been getting allergy shots for over a year and they seem to help somewhat.  BUT, the AIR CONDITIONING problem has not been helped much at all.  Now that spring is here, the air conditioning in my office makes me wheeze, and unable to breathe.  I had to have them close up the two large A/C vents I have in my office.  When the sun comes to my side of the bldg in the afternoon, my office is about 85 degrees, but at least I can breathe.  My allergist knows NOTHING about Air Conditioning allergy!   DOES ANYBODY KNOW WHAT TO DO ABOUT THIS???!!!!
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563773 tn?1374246539

Your symptoms are typical of air borne allergies and allergic rhinitis.As you are allergic to most of the air borne allergens,so molds can be responsible(due to cross reactivity) for such symptoms in office. Molds, plants in the fungus family, grow where it's dark and moist. They can grow in shower stalls, refrigerators, houseplants, or air conditioners.

Diagnosis is  by skin ***** or patch tests. In these tests, a small amount of allergen is injected into the skin of the forearm by a doctor. If you are allergic to molds then you will develop a red, itchy bump on the site if injection. Confirmatory test is by blood tests (RAST).

Treatment includes avoidance of allergen. Maintain/clean dehumidifiers and air conditioners regularly. Air filters of the ac trap allergens, like molds, dust and pollen.  When the filters do not work properly, allergens may be released into the air, causing typical allergy symptoms, such as watery eyes, runny nose, and wheezing. Wash shower curtains, bathroom tiles, and grout regularly and use a dehumidifier in your house. Tell your boss about your health problem and he can get the AC filters cleaned.

You can use OTC antihistaminic like benadryl, zyrtec.Nasal decongestants and corticosteroids are also useful. If there is any difficulty in breathing then bronchodilators can be used. In severe cases, Immunotherapy is advised.
Hope it helps.Take care and pls do keep me posted in case of any additional doubts.

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