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What kind of medical tape can we use?

My daughter is allergic to adhesive, including the ones in some medical tape and bandaids. Just to be clear we know it is not latex in bandaids and tape it is the adhesive for sure that is causing the problem. She has broken a finger and we need to keep it taped up with a splint. Every medical tape we have tried is causing a reaction of varying degrees. We tried the one made by the manufacturer of the bandaids she can use but no good. We tried one that said "Hypoallergenic" and it was the worst, caused huge blisters that broke and oozed! That one might have meant "hypoallergenic" if you are allergic to latex, that is all a lot of them are worried about. Even the tape the hospital used caused a reaction.

Anyone else with an adhesive allergy and is there a brand you have found you can use?
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I would recommend the self sticking tapes.  They kind of look like really rough ace bandages.  The rough texture enterlocks with itself and makes the tape stay on.  It doesn't stick to your skin at all.  You do have to use a lot more of it though.  Worth it to not have the itchy rash and blisters.

I have the same allergy and have switched to that kind of tape or the Curad tubular stretch bandage.  I can tolerate Nexcare adhesive for now, but dread the day when I can't use that either.  

I hope that helps you.
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Thank you!  We haven't tried that, I hadn't heard of it before. I also haven't heard of Curad tubular stretch bandage, I'll look into that too!
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I usually get mine at Walgreens, but I am sure other pharmacies carry them as well.  I hope they work for her.  They work very well for me with no reactions.  :D
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, your daughter symptoms are suggestive of allergic or contact dermatitis, secondary to exposure to allergen and mediated by IgE antibodies. Her body is known to hypersensitive to certain things like bandage which are reason for reaction or allergy.

You need to consult skin specialist and see what the allergen which is causing allergic reactions. Till then you can use tape with cream containing anti histaminic and keep the area clean to avoid secondary infections.

Firstly she needs antibiotic coverage if wound is deep.
She can try anti histaminics and moderate potency corticosteroids against prescription. I suggest her to consult skin specialist to get check the allergen. Take care and regards.
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