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Wheat Allergy

I have a couple of red blotches on the side of my face and they get redder and redder....sometimes it goes away and then comes back....my eye lids peel and I look like I have the hives on my face and only in certain spots.  
Any ideas if this makes sense to anyone
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You are doing right in reconsulting with your dermatologist.

The fact that the lesion resolves with steroid medications and reappears when steroid creams are witheld also needs to be discussed with your doctor.

Could you describe the lesions and specific sites more elaborately?

Have you tried anti-histamine medications?

Has any blood work been done?

Do let us know about how your appointment with the doctor goes.

Good luck.
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I have been to 2 different dermotologists and given a topical steroid cream...it makes it go away but it comes back if I stop longer for 2-3 days... The dermatologist did an allergey patch test on my back and I mildly tested positive to fragrances.... I threw away over $200 worth of products and spent another $100-150 on all fragrance free stuff....from shampoo, conditioners, body wash, lotions, etc and after a week of all this, the patch is BACK!!!  I am so frustrated.....It can't be a fragrance allergy....I was told to use only clinique and cetaphyl for my face..... the only clinique I have been using is a 100% fragrance free wrinkle cream and I don't go near my "patch"....ANY IDEAS????  I am calling the dermatologist again tomorrow but I am giving up hope.... I am getting married in Oct and don't want a patch on the side of my face....it's been going on a year now...
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Have you been tested for wheat allergies?

You need to consult an allergy specialist at the earliest possible. Till you get an appointment it would be best to take OTC antihistamine medications and apply calamine lotion on the lesions.

Are you allergic to any substances?

Have you used any new products or are exposed to some new substance since you noticed the beginning of these lesions?

Let us know what your doctor tells you. Keep us posted on how you are doing and if you have any doubts.

Hope this helps.

Good luck.
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