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Allergy to my own hair

Is it possible to be allergic to your own hair? My hair brings out a rash on my face and neck where it touches. This does not happen all of the time but when it does it is extemely itchy and brings out small red spots. This then spreads out to other areas of my body. The problem seems to be worse when I am on my period. I have tried switching shampoos several times but nothing seems to work. I don't know if there is anything I can do apart from have my hair cut extremely short. Any advice?
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I guess anything is possible. I once saw a little girl on television who was allergic to water !

Before you cut your hair, you may want to try a couple of more shampoos... perhaps purchase them at a Natural Foods Store ? A lot of shampoos have many of the same ingredients in them. I know Burt's Bee's also has a new shampoo... they sell it at Walgreens. Their Grapefruit and Beet shampoo, according to their website, is 98.20% natural.

If that doesn't work, then you may find out about creams that may help the allergic reaction on your neck.

Good luck !
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I am allergic to human hair, had a skin test done as a child which is how I know
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Thanks for the comments. i have been trying Australian Organics shampoos and conditioners. I live in England and we aren't fortunate enough to have Burts Bees over here. Luckily my brother lives in Canada so I'll get him to send me some shampoo. i have lots of other Burts Bees stuff but no shampoo! If all else fails I live round the corner from a hairdressers so there's always the 'Britney Shears' option...
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I don't think it is the shampoo. I think you probably have sensitive skin and the ends of your hair are irritating it. I have the same problem, I dont get a rash, but it feels like a pot scourer or thistle is rubbing my skin if my hair touches the front of my neck. The only solution I have found is to keep it short or tie it up. I was unable to wear wool jumpers as a kid for the same reason. (Bit of a problem when growing up on a sheep farm and  my mum kept spinning wool and knitting me jumpers... youch!)
1280236 tn?1271267615
I have sores but no itching on my head the sores get better when I pull the hair out from the bumps and around the bumps (actually I have a family member do this) If I don't pull the hair I get sever headaches however I shaved my head so to make the hairs smaller and easier to manage and to make the pumps more visible since your problem is not actually on your scalp keeping your hair short might help however for anyone with the scalp problem shaving does not make the problem go away. I am on a prescription strength medicated shampoo and it is not helping at all actually it seems to be making my problem somewhat worse at times. You might consider though ifc you ar3e allergic to your hair it would most likely effect your scalp also and not just your neck and shoulders.
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I was diagnosed with being  allergic 2 my own hair my whole scalp and neck are often red and itchy and at first I thought it was lice.it also comes and goes for about a week at a time every other week however my scalp is constantly itchy. This also happens on my legs and underarms if I don't shave 4 a while.Hope this helps!
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i have these problems too... i get wounds and sores on my head, around my neck, under my ears, on the back of the neck... my hair stylist gave me a shampoo that worked wonders for the itch related to this, but i have to wash my hair everyday, using the shampoo twice, wash once, rinse, was again, wait 5 minutes, then rinse... it has some sort of camphor or something in it, but i'm not sure since i don't have it with me right now, i can't use it when my hair is more exposed to heat and summer sunlight, i'm on vacation in florida right now so i can't use this shampoo, so i didn't bring it and now my head has three very large wounds under the hair... i have also plucked the hairs coming out of the wounds and this helps it heal really fast... i had one big one in the back of my head and had my hair cut around and on it, i had to have it treated with iodine, povidine and pressure bandages... when i get back home, i'm going to go see my doctor to get tested if i'm allergic to my hair...
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I also had allergies and the amazing thing is the second I cut my hair my body swelling and rash disappeared. I almost can't believe it. My problem was I used shampoos with natural ingredients. We don't really know what they put in their shampoos or how much. I like you got rashes on my neck. All gone now.
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1758889 tn?1312878413
I get a rash around my neck and on my legs arms and underarms if i dont shave... basically anywhere with hair. even my eyebrows. I also have a reaction to other peoples hair like my BF's facial hair causes me to break out in a small rash on my face or where it comes in contact with. i don't suggest cutting your hair super short unless you find a style you really like and can't put up with the rash. i have tried many different shampoo's but nothing seems to help. my advice it you could wear your hair up in different styles when it irritates you. best i can give right now. hope you figure something out :)
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This happens to me too.  My worst spots are my scalp where I still have hair and my chin underneath my goatee.  This has been happening since I was a little kid and often mistaken for simple dandruff.  I have asked a doctor about being allergic to my own hair, and they have said it is impossible, but I do not believe them.  As I have gone bald over the years, my scalp has become clear where I no longer have hair, and if I shave my head and face, the rash clears up within a few days and will not come back as long as I am clean shaven.  Anyone have any solutions to this?  If I could find a doctor who could actually diagnose something rather than just treating symptoms, I would like to have my hair simply removed permanently.
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I also have allergic reactions to my own hair, but only from hairs that have fallen out (or are about to fall out). When such a hair touches my skin I get a rash and the skin gets swollen.
My father, who is a GP, wouldn't believe me at first, but then I showed him what happens when a hair touches my skin. Now he acknowledges that I get rash from my own hair, but he still says that it shouldn't be possible.
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535822 tn?1443976780
Try using shampoo with out sulphites ..I had same reactions and I switched shampoo they non sulphite shampoos are in the drug stores .
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I have the same exact thing!! I am going through a period where I am lsing my hair and as the hair falls on my shoulder and back it gets ready and extremely itchy immediately. Did you ever find out what causes this and why? It has not always been like this for me just in the last year.
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Well, I guess it's true! For most of my life I have thought I was allergic to my hair. Now that I see others experiencing similar problems I know it's true. For yrs I cut all my hair off & wore short like a boy & my face still broke out. So figured it was the products that I used in my hair. From that point on I started tying my hair up or wearing a night cap & that really worked for me. Now my hair is long. It's down the middle of my back and any time it touches my neck, shoulders or back I get a rash. I'm itching right now, lol. Needless to say in order not to be bothered I have to wear a night cap whenever I'm at home. So try that. Get yourself a night cap to wear at night because it doesn't matter what shampoo you use. You've probably already tried changing that without much relief. So much for looking cute at night. Lol
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So is their any medenice or something to take I don't want my son to have same problem as me being allergic to hair
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I am ironically a hair dresser and have this problem. No one believes me. I have tried many shampoos. the sulfate free didnt work but am going to try the burts bees as recomended on here. Noticed when I got my hair cut that the bumps moved up to where the new length. Wear it up at night as much as it kills my head but still have a face and neck full of itchy red bumps. am going to start a benadryl regimine to see if that will help. Good luck to anyone with this problem. I definately sympathize with your plight
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stupid ***** read the all of the comments before yours and then you will get your answer
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I have the same problem. My hair actually hurts to comb it sometimes. Even on my leg, arms, underarms etc. I can touch the hair and the skin actually feel as if its stinging or burning.  I have tried different shampoos and natural oils. It helps with the soothing but the problem never goes away. It is ongoing. Even other peoples hair that touches my skin causes the same reaction with the bumps that are so painful. Shaving does not help, it seems to make it worst.
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I do, it becomes red raw in blotches on my cheek, sometimes my neck & my scalp can get itchy, I get sores, extreme in temperatures & stress seems to make it really sore, I've had it my whole life thought or called eczma just given steroids or moisturiser..i haven't managed to get to dermatology yet... I have problems with my nerves? have spasms the best likeness was dystonia in the face & neck & creak like aunt sally...not sure they're connected the other conditioons have developed later on but thought I'd mention inncase as have no diagnosis there either...interesting to find
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I do, it becomes red raw in blotches on my cheek, sometimes my neck & my scalp can get itchy, I get sores, extreme in temperatures & stress seems to make it really sore, I've had it my whole life thought or called eczma just given steroids or moisturiser..i haven't managed to get to dermatology yet... I have problems with my nerves? have spasms the best likeness was dystonia in the face & neck & creak like aunt sally...not sure they're connected the other conditioons have developed later on but thought I'd mention inncase as have no diagnosis there either...interesting to find
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I would not try "natural" shampoos, they tend to cause allergies. plant ingredients can do that .  I would use Vanicream or Aveeno or Dove sensitive with no plant ingredients or scent.  That worked wonders for my allergic skin.  
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i would avoid products with fragrance and plant oils as this can irritate.  I had this happen to me.  I would try Dove, Eucerin, Aveeno, Cetaphil or Vanicream brand shampoos.  It is ok if they are not 100 percent natural; they are great for sensitive skin!
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I find heated and dry rooms start all the lumps and itching .I use cool boiled water to help to calm my face. have been under a dematoligiest for 4 years fedup with all the tests
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I have had this happen to me a number of times but all I do is wash my face with a fresh wash cloth and moisturize my face and go to sleep at night and by morning my skin is nice and smooth but try to refrain from touching your face after you do this other wise you are back to square one and also when you do this you might wanna put you hair in a bun or something were it won't touch your neck or face.
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You can get immediate relief and be completely free of this by going to an NAET allergy therapist.  They will put a piece of your hair in an allergy small glass vile and then do a nerve/strength test to see of your allergic.   Then they do a quick strength test on you and within 24 hours to a week, you should be good to go.  My hair has been brittle and falling out much more than it should for a 40 year old.   No matter what I put on it, natural coconut oil, it would not take to it.    I went to Dr. Clifford in Nashville, All About Health, and couldn't believe I was allergic to my hair.      He tests for about 20 different things, thru his therapy, not just one at a time, like some NAET therapists do, who could ever afford that?  We pay 60.00 and have insurance, those that don't pay about 85.00.   My friends daughter had bleeding psoraisis on her legs and now is completely healed by using this therapy.   Hope I helped somebody here.
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@coffeeluv42 What was the solution? Like what was the therapy that healed you? I'm in Knox and desperate
I know they say u cant be allergic to your own hair, but i swear im allergic to all hair. Mine makes my skin burn so badly. If a piece of my hair goes into my shirt i feel like im on fire and theres a red mark exactly where i fibd the hair. My dogs hair is worse, its not only everywhere but it literally is causing my skin to burn and itch so bad that i have scabs from scratching. I use perfume free dye free everything as i know im allergic to dryer sheets. I use no products in my hair because it baby fine and falls out by the hand full....it must be something ive had all my life because when I was 5, i got my siblings and myself to pull all of my hair out.....my mom lost her mind that night....but i do feel like i have some sort of auto immune thing, my hair is thin and ugly and has no elasticity or strength, it just falls out or breaks off just by combing it
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